Asset Overview
The Syrena is the first radio receiver completely designed and manufactured in Zakłady Radiowe im. Marcina Kasprzaka in Warsaw (ZRK). It works with the short, medium, and long wave bands. With some modifications, the design was based on the electrical system produced by ZRK and Diora in Dzierżoniów for the RSZ-F Aga radio manufactured under a Swedish licence. The Syrena receiver, named after the Syrenka (“little mermaid”) – the symbol of the capital city of Poland – is a mains-powered, six-valve superheterodyne. It has a magic eye tuning indicator and a built-in magnetoelectric speaker. The Syrena was designed to receive programmes broadcast using amplitude modulation (AM).
Manufacturer: Zakłady Radiowe im. Marcina Kasprzaka, 1954-1959
Inv. No.: MIM1858/V-477
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA