A trampoline block model for minecraft mod/datapack developers. It's free to use, so go ahead but be sure to credit me by linking [my Twitter](https://twitter.com/railrunner166)!
# Compatibility
This model is made in [BlockBench](https://blockbench.net/) using the default Minecraft textures, so it should work easily with all your Minecraft projects. Blockbench uploads things as a different model type, so the model JSON for datapacks and mods can be found [at my website](http://blockmodels.raildev.tk/models/trampoline)
# Links and Related Projects
- I originally created this model for my Minecraft mod, which can be found [at CurseForge](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rails-mod) (the trampoline update will be available soon enough)