Asset Overview
The 522W speaker was manufactured by the Western Electric Corporation of the USA in the 1920s. The company, specialised in the production and sales of telecommunications, cinema audio equipment and in the provision of telegraph, and later telecommunications, services. At the beginning of the 1920s the radio industry was still in its nascent stage. The first complete radio receivers were yet to be made, but before that happened, other solutions, accessible to potential recipients, were sought. Radio signals were usually received using a receiver of a simple design that was enclosed in a wooden or Bakelite box to which different attachments were connected, antenna, speaker, or ground wire. In terms of design, the 522W speaker is a slightly enlarged telephone receiver. The membrane and acoustic transducer were enclosed in a metal can.
Manufacturer: Western Electric Company
Inv. No.: MIM994/V-250
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA