The package includes a vast number of models to create a graveyard that will add to the classic atmosphere of your game. The package consists of various elements to create a game scene with a cemetery - graves, tombstones, coffins, buildings, vegetation and much more.
The cemetery components consist of 115 different models, both ready-to-use in the game scene, and details to create your own game atmosphere (stone slabs and pedestals, combinations of tombstones, candles, stone bowls, a torch, and more).. Colliders are added for all static objects in the scene. There is a lightmap.
The package consists of:
- 115 models, fbx format
- Textures 4K, 2k, 256, depending on the size of the model.
- All models have UV maps
- Ready scene with a graveyard, mystic atmosphere, burning candles and a torch, basic vegetation (tree branches).
- Base scene with all models (candles, coffinstone, fence, gate, grave, gravestand, gravestone, tomb, tombstone, vegetations, rocks,....)