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Author name
Broken Triangle
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 45
Dynamic City Background
24 Assets

Package Overview

A city background that is always unique and changing, where the buildings do not repeat. Cars drive the streets and offer something truly unique. The asset offers a completely setup background that includes a background looping script, and dynamic building prefab loading scripts. When a new tile is generated, it will randomly generate the buildings for that tile. It is setup and tileable on the x plane, and perfect for use in an infinity side-scroller game. The set itself is 3D, but it is designed and setup to be viewed from the front only, so it's application would be in a 2D style game.

Model information:
Geometry: Triangles 11k
Vertices: 6.3k
Textures: 14
Materials: 4
All textures are 2048x2048

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