PBR assets to create your own Fantasy environment!
Video walkthrough
The project use linear color space and deferred rendering.
A complete scene and prefabs allow you to get you started rapidly. Mountains, ruins and cave areas are all included:
There are 122 unique prefabs contained in the pack.
Textures are in png and tga format at a resolution of 2048*2048
Textures includes diffuse, normals, height, opacity and opacity/translucency.
Triangles count for trees range from 1866 to 5328
Triangles count for cliffs/rocks range from 360 to 1680
Triangles count for ruins range from 180 to 3720
Triangles count for plants range from 96 to 1277
The cliffs/rocks and ruins feature a trilanar shader, you can customize the colors/textures and overlays.
The water and vegetation shader are also customisable.
The trees/vegetation prefabs are using unity's terrain system and are already set-up for you.
The ruins prefabs are modular and fit on a grid.
The cloths prefabs are using unity cloth's system and can be adjusted.
Particle effects, air particles, clouds, mist , butterflies, etc...