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Unity Asset Store
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
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$ 9.99
Stylized Medieval Camp
44 Assets

Package Overview

Medieval Stylized Village Pack

With this pack you will be able to build a stylized medieval camp, with more than 40 models, 2 terrain materials and animations.
It also includes hand weapons, assault weapons with animations and a camp.
Included in this pack is a map of a camp.
Do not miss this fantastic package that has been built with a lot of dedication and love.

All assets in the screenshots are included in the pack.
In this package you can find:

Models (x 44)
·Axe01:522 Triangules
·Bag:192 Triangules
·Barrel01:1672 Triangules
·BarrelDrink:2720 Triangules
·BattleMap:8 Triangules
·BigCatapult:3550 Triangules
·BigTower:4629 Triangules
·Book01:300 Triangules
·Box01:272 Triangules
·Box02:1230 Triangules
·Brace:1672 Triangules
·Brush01:112 Triangules
·Chair:3224 Triangules
·Fence01:196 Triangules
·Fence02:196 Triangules
·Flag01:160 Triangules
·Mug:3864 Triangules
·Palisade01:4047 Triangules
·Palisade02:3632 Triangules
·Pine02:682 Triangules
·PineLeave:12 Triangules
·Pot:656 Triangules
·Proyectile:80 Triangules
·ProyectileArrow:44 Triangules
·Rack:554 Triangules
·Ram:5158 Triangules
·RockGroup02:992 Triangules
·Shield:724 Triangules
·Skull:1564 Triangules
·SmallCatapult 2100 Triangules
·Stacks 1232 Triangules
·Stool:864 Triangules
·Table02:668 Triangules
·Tent01:9328 Triangules
·Tent02:3671 Triangules
·Tent03:1140 Triangules
·TourchWall:2698 Triangules
·TowerCamp:1176 Triangules

-6 textures 4096x4096
Albedo,MetallicSmoothness,Emisive And Normal Map

-46 Textures 2048x2048
Albedo,Metallic Smoothness, Emisive and Normal Map.

-Animations (x7)
Big Catapult: 1 Animation(Shoot)
CrossBow: 2 Animations (Shoot and Reload)
Ram: 1 Animation (Atack)
SiegeTower: 2 Animations (Close Door and OpenDoor)
SmallCatapult: 1 (Fight)

Complete this pack with Stylized Medieval Castle.
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