Bambi Minions are the minions of Bambi that appears as a background character in the second part of Applecore.
They appear as a similar appearance to Expunged during Cheating, but instead with a bright purple hat, a lime green shirt, and dark purple pants with a giddy smile, & then walk around all over.
Bambi Minions are 18.
Bambi Minions live in the Expunged Metaverse.
Bambi Minions are the only characters with a hemi sphere body to not have a flat cylinder underneath their bodies.
They are not called Bembos.
Poip is also a non-canon nickname for the Bambi Minions. However, there is one specific Bambi Minion who is different from the rest of them named Poip, whether they are an outcast or in a place of elite power is currently unknown.