This is a High Poly 3D Model of Triceratops with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Triceratops - HP 6402 tris;
•Triceratops - LP 2250 tris.
•Triceratops - SLP 1028 tris.
Model has 44 bones.
•Triceratops - 2 Color Textures, 1 Normal, 1 Ambient Oclusion Maps , 2 Roughness(all 4k)
Model has 26 UNIQUE Animations<
0000-0000 Bind Pose
0002-0059 loop Walking
0062-0087 loop Runing
0090-0152 loop Fight Idle Left Leg
0155-0217 loop Fight Idle Left Leg
0220-0267 loop Strafe Left
0270-0317 loop Strafe Right
0320-0369 loop Attack Head
0372-0401 loop Attack Head Left Side
0404-0433 loop Attack Head Left Side
0436-0467 loop Turn Left
0470-0501 loop Turn Right
0504-0562 loop Swimming
0564-0588 Start Eating
0589-0649 loop Eating
0650-0674 End Eating
0676-0756 loop Masticate
0758-0808 Start Rest
0809-0868 loop Rest
0869-0917 End Rest
0919-0969 Start Sleeping
0970-1029 loop Sleeping
1030-1079 End Sleeping
1080-1115 Death
1117-1136 loop Hit Left
1139-1158 loop Hit Right
1161-1197 loop Attack Head 01