Fully animated 3d model of a blue ghoul/zombie with textures and normal map.
Prefab with Animation controller included
Model info:
18966 Tris
10213 Verts
Here is a list of animations (13):
01) T-POSE=1-3
02) STAND=66-67 (LOOP)
03) WALK_SLOW=105-140 (LOOP)
04) ATTACK_1=175-205
05) ATTACK_2=205-235
06) ATTACK_3=260-285
07) HURT_1=150-170
08) HURT_2=235-260
09) DIE_1=290-323
10) DEAD=318-319 (LOOP)
11) WALK_FAST=330-370 (LOOP)
12) IDLE=6-65 (LOOP)
13) IDLE_TO_STAND=70-100
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