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Author name
Sergi Nicolás
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Support For Unity Version
Package price
$ 4.99
Old Breakable Barrel
Old Breakable Barrel
3 Assets

Package Overview

Old Breakable Barrel features a high definition barrel with a very high quality texture. The prefab has been build to give the illusion that the asset breaks into different parts, so when the user clicks on it, the barrel will explode and will react accordingly with the physics engine.

What´s in this package?

- FBX folder containing a combined barrel, chunks of broken barrel, cap and the test floor.
- 2 prefabs: simple and breakable barrel.
- A demo scene (Scenes) showing some breakable barrels on the ground. Ready to be exploded with a single click
- Materials folder containing two PBS materials: barrel and floor.
- All the textures (Textures): albedo, normal, AO and specular/gloss.
- 1 script with the "breaking" behaviour.
- 1 explosion sound, courtesy of RSilveira_88, and used under the creative commons license. The track has been slightly edited -shortened-. This is the link to the license:

Have a happy BOOM !
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