Brega’s Cave, Municipality of Pains, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, south portion of Upper São Francisco Karst. Its linear development comprehends a fewer less than seven hundred meters. Wide spaces and different kinds of speleothems: stalactites, stalagmites, coralloids, curtains, stone cascade and rimstone dams.
There’s an archeological site on its principal entrance, which is turned to west. It contains cultural sediment and hundreds of potsherds at surface. One of them was cemented on rock by a speleothem, a process that demands centuries.
The site has been suffering the impact of modern human occupation. Which can be seen on the soil, revolved by visitors walking pass, and on hundreds of graffiti and inscriptions at the cave wall. The 3D model concentrates on this particular theme, a high definition record that evocates the urgency of environmental protection and heritage education.
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