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Geometry: Units: Centimeters Polygons: 1 082 Vertex: 1 084 Triangles: 0 Quads: 1082 Ngons: 0 Vertex with more than 5 edges: 0
Object: Dimenson cm: 0,77cm x 0,77cm x 8,8cm Dimenson inches: 0,303x 0,303 x 3,465" Model parts: 1 Material count: 1 XForm: Yes BoxTrick: Yes
Textures: OBJ and FBX - PBR textures 4k .png / Base Color / Glow / Metallic / Opacity / Normal / Roughnes 3ds Max - PBR textures 4k .png /Diffuse / Glossiness / Specular / Normal