An Amazing Asset Pack of 10 different city vehicles, buildings, roads and props to create an Amazing Urban City Based Game.
Modular 3d models are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes demo scene.
Ambulance, Fire Truck, Police Car, Snow Truck, Taxi, Helicopter, Tank, Bulldozer, SUV, Monster Pickup. (Each vehicle comes with materials, Separated wheels for turning).
City And Environment Assets:
Barrel, BillBoard, Box, Building01, Building02, Building03, Building04, BusStop, CityWall01, CityWall02, ConstructionArea, Fire, FoodBuilding, Garage, GarbageCan, Ground01, Ground02, MetalWall, Pipe01, Pipe02, PipeStand, Road01, Road02, StreetLight, Tire, TrafficLight, Trash, Wood.