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Author name
AR Lek
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 39.99
Dead Samurai
8 Assets

Package Overview

Dead Samurai is a lowpoly game-ready model.

The model has 4 skins variations and 6 head variations.
The package contains files: Autodesk FBX (.fbx), Autodesk Maya (.mb), Textures (.tga), Unreal Engine (.uproject), Unity 3D (.unitypackage), Marmoset Toolbag (.tbscene).

- Faces - 32 533
- Verts - 34 547
- Tris - 62 579

► PBR textures (.tga) in resolution 4096x4096
(or 2048x2048): - Normal (DirectX, OpenGL)
- Albedo
- Occlusion+Roughness+Metallic
- Metallic
- Roughness
- Metallic+Smoothnesss
- Gloss
- Specular

► Skin color variations: black, red, blue, white.

The model contains with a 48 animations (all animations can be found in the video preview):
- idle (x6)
- walk (x2)
- run (x9)
- jump (x4)
- attack (x12)
- get hit (x1)
- death (x4)
- other (x10)
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