Diarama - Still in the Works - Fixing Issues

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Juri Knauth
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CC BY 4.0

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Socket: Frozen-Upside-Down-Lake Will continue working on this and fixing some issues, when i'm back home - working on some old lap top from afar without the correct programs is kinda meh. The rigging could have been better at some points - I tried to cheat around it in this scene by applying transperancies to the bra where the skin overlapped it in this pose - however I still need to figue out to make Light Bakes with Transparencies. I discarded some effect plains as they already proved to be problematic. I did not use the freed up space on the UV-Maps yet - or use the freed triangles. - This diarama was supposed to have 5000 triangles max - I was at 4999 but deleteted these 7 quads. Certainly will repaint all of the Textures eventually. Further more there are some Smoothing Groups Errors - or so it seems - can't open 3ds max atm and check it. Pending is still setting up lights in the scene and putting up some fitting backdrop. Once I'm happier with the results I can write a description.