Female Soldier Color2

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Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Custom Female Soldier
71 Assets

Package Overview

Compatible With Mecanim
49 Animations
8 Different Themes Soldiers for your game, Included 2 Weapons.
You can customize the character and weapons changing textures and parts.
Fully Rigged Character
Female Soldier Body: 3714 polys
4 different types of hair: 1674 Polys
Glasses: 566 Polys
Pistol: 356 Polys
Pistol Holster: 404 Polys
Thigh Rig: 1037 Polys
2 Mag Holster: 2716 Polys
Pistol: 1140 Polys
Assault Rifle: 3698 Polys
Soldier Textures: 4096x4096, 8 different Cloth Colors, 8 different Props Colors and 2 Skin Textures, Normal Map . 2048x2048 Metallic and Occlusion
Rifle Textures: 2048x2048, 8 Different Albedo (Colors), Normal, Metallic and Occlusion
Pistol Textures: 2048x2048, 3 Different Albedo (Colors, Normal, Metallic and Occlusion
For requests or critique, email me: eldanu1@gmail.com