
Find Similar (BETA)Purchase Package
Author name
Red Deer
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Goat family
36 Assets

Package Overview

This asset has realistic GOAT FAMILY models.
All models has 4 levels of LOD
- 8500 - 9500 tris;
- 6000 - 6500 tris;
- 3000 - 3500 tris;
- 1500 - 1700 tris;
There is a version for mobile phones with 1500 -1700 triangles.
Texture maps - albedo, metallic / roughness, normal map (all 4k).

48 animations (IP/RM):
Agression, attack 1-3, attack run, hit front, hit back, hit middle, death 1-2, idle 1-3, eat, drink, lie, sleep, fall down, fall high, fall low, fall landing, walk (f-b-l-r), trot (f-l-r), run (f-l-r), swim (f-b-l-r), jump, jump run, jump forward, etc.

The animator controller is made in a primitive form, there is only movement on a plane without controlling the height and bends of the plane.
Also included in the asset is a simple camera rotation script.

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