Houghton MS Ostraca 3141

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Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East
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Receipt for trade tax debts, ca. 120-121 CE, in Greek. 5.8 x 6.8 cm. This receipt records the payment of two drachmas to be credited to the account of Petrozmethis Arab [ ]. The payment is for arrears of the monthly trade tax of Syene; it is discharged through an assistant of the collector of that tax: *Rufus and the other superiors.. of the deficit of year 5. Arabu, via Socration and the rest of the collectors of the trade tax of each month from Syene. He paid to the account of Petorzmethis, the son of Arbu, for the the trade tax of each month from Syene for year 5 of Hadrian Caesar the lord, 2 drachmas, which equals 2 dr. I, Ammonius wrote.* Translation by Dr. Verena Lepper **Digital Object provided by Image Delivery Service, Harvard University:** https://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/4113432?buttons=y

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