Jambi is an upcoming character for Update 2 of Golden Apple. He wears a dark red beanie, shirt and gray pants, coupled with his black hair. He will appear in the upcoming song "Jambino".
Jambi likes ranch.
Jambi enjoys dipping food in ice cream.
Jambi has a brother named Banjea.
Banjea is owned by Bestiec0reLass on deviantArt.\
More info on Banjea can be found here.
Jambi was coded without genitals.
Jambi is black, despite how his model looks.
In the same tweet, Jambi was mentioned to be plus-sized.
Jambi is the 4th strongest character in Golden Apple, being beat by Bandu and Expunged. It's unknown who the #1 strongest character is.
Jambi likes/loves and supports xenosexual users confirmed by h3R34LD34L on twitter.
Jambi is rivals with Ringi.