Knight of the Forest

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Asset Overview

The Knight of the Forest is a bestial-designed knight modeled after ancient european and celtic-styled renditions of knights. Made in Blender, this knight was a byproduct of my wanting to test organic human mesh-modeling, pice-by-piece armor production, and even an attempt at understanding node shaders. This particular model had gone through so many revisions. An attempt to create my own male mesh model transitioned into a sudden inspiration to make my own knight armor concept, applying elements such as a tunic design inspired by the King of Facade, and a beaked helmet inspired by several various real-world helmets. I began applying elements to his design that make him come off as something belonging to the woods. I made the openings on his helmet teeth-like, and had his pieces intercnnected by branch-like vines. Instead of a normal cape, I attempted a basic pelt for him to wear. The branches coming from his eyeholes in particular were inspired by a specific afflicted knight from Girl from the Other Side.

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