A stele depicting the seated Hittite Goddess Kubaba. The original model (Neo-Hittite, circa 1,180 BC - 700 BC) was found at Carchemish (Turkey). This copy / interpretation was made by Ulrich Thiel, Kazimierz Krewniak and Adam Sobiraj.
Photo of original stele at the Ankara Museum | Bittel 1976: P. 255
Further reading:
Kubaba | hittitemonuments.com
- A. Muhibbe Darga. Hitit Sanatı. İstanbul: Akbank, 1992: Fig. 250; P. 242
- K. Bittel, Die Hethiter. (...), München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1976
Original at
Anatolian Civilizations Museum (Ankara)
Model by Felix Wolter, with permission of the landcare association, land owners and the Naturpark Schlaubetal, Germany.