MA016-004004- An Chrois

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Westropp recorded this stone as one of two tall stone pillars, one on either side of a ‘walled burial space, 7 feet wide [2.1m],’ which spanned the width of the church. He described this stone, on the E side of the burial space, as follows: ‘6 feet 5 inches high by 8 inches by 6 inches and shows notches on the natural-squared edge and faint traces of straight and slant scores'. Upright, straight-sided pillar-like stone (H 1.95m; Wth 2.3m N−S; T 0.17m E−W), rectangular in cross-section, with an ogham inscription cut across the NW angle. The upper marks on the ogham stone are so badly worn that a reading is impossible, but more legible marks [including an R] exist lower down and continue into the ground (pers. comm. Karl Brady) (Condit and Corlett 2005, 98). Compiled by: Nora White Date of upload: 2 May 2017 Date of last visit: