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This is a depiction of a car from an old game in the 'Classic' category, is the first car the game lets you play with, so nothing fancy, but I've always found it beautiful.
Despite being almost identical to most of Fastbacks and GT's from late 60's, this one appeared simply as 'Mustang 68'. I'm not even sure if this model existed in real life, never seen a pic of a real one, but either way, a model of it exists now.
Triangles: 18.8k.
Quads: 1.7k.
Polygons: 77.
Total triangles: 22.8k.
Vertices: 14.7k.
IMPORTANT: These images were taken from this same FBX file available on another marketplace through its viewer, all other formats are rudimentary exports directly from the native SKP file.