Animated model with 38 animations and 8,317 triangles.
Animations are already split into sequences (Unity, FBX).
High quality normal map, made from High-Poly model!
Additional textures for normal and spec maps are included.
Tpose, IdleSimple, IdleLookAround, IdleGunDown, IdleGunDownLookAround, IdleWounded, Kneel, IdleKneel, IdleKneel2, StandUpFromKneel, WalkAim, WalkAimLookAround, AimToLayDownWeapon, GetReady, Strafeleft, StrafeRight, StrafeBack, Run, RunAim, ShotRun, WalkShot, StandToKneel, WalkCroach, WalkCroachLookAround, StandUpFromKneel, ShotSlow, ShotFast, ShotKneelFast, ShotKneelFastAround, ShotKneelSlow, ShotKneelSlowAround, Melee, Jump, Reload, HitBelly, HitShoulder, Deat, recover