Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search.
We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
\nColorful Stylized Asset Pack with a wide range of items for Mining, Lumbering, Cooking, Farming, Fishing and Exploration.
\n\n704 Lowpoly Items.
\n50-400 Tris per item.
\nAll items share a single 256x256 Texture to increase performance.
\nSuited for Mobile, PC and Browser Games.
\nIncludes example scene.
This pack is 100% compatible with:
\n-Sword Pack
\n-Shield Pack
\n-Wand Pack
\n-Axe Pack
\n-Thrown Pack
\n-Dagger Pack
\nAll packs share the same single texture and material.
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Synty Studios™ Presents -
POLYGON - Modular Fantasy Hero Characters
A low poly Modular Character asset pack to create characters for your fantasy game or make a character creator for your players to make their own hero.
◼ Key Features ◼
- 720 modular pieces with a custom shader to change colors
- Demo scene included with random character generator script
- Male and Female versions of each body part (not including unisex parts)
- Capes rigged to work with Dynamic Bone
- 120 Premade characters from the modular parts (5 Presets for Fixed scale character)
- Static versions for in game pick ups and use for UI etc
◼ Assets ◼
Modular Character Assets
- Hair, Heads, Eyebrows, Facial Hair, Hats, Masks, Helmets, Torsos, Hips, Legs, Arms, Hands, Knee pads, Shoulder pads, Elbow Pads, Hip Attachments, Bags, Capes etc
Weapon Assets
- Axe, Dagger, Jousts, Maces, Shields, Shields, Staffs, Swords, Knives etc
◼ Compatibility ◼
- Supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here
- Characters are setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
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","id":274903184357,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-27T22:45:06Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2023-07-03T11:47:15Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Chr_HipsAttachment_09_Static","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"143468","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"POLYGON Modular Fantasy Hero Characters - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty"},"polygonCount":224,"publishedDate":"2023-06-29T10:50:16Z","publisher":{"id":"5217","name":"Synty Studios","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"chr_hipsattachment_09_static-274903184357","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["black","cyan","gray","green","blue"],"description":"🏰 Country Bundle from Cube x Cube
We proud to present awesome low poly asset pack \"Country Bundle from Cube x Cube\". There are buildings, street signs, roads, mountains, hills, trees, streets and elements for them, all kinds of magic things for your rituals and other old medieval infrastructure objects.
Package contains 408 unique Prefabs. All section are modular. So you can piece them together in a variety of combinations. DEMO SCENE included!
🏰 Buildings (x18):
Canopy (x3), Church, Country Houses (x3), Horse Stall , Stablehouse, Mage Cabin, Fountain, Tavern, Windmill (x2), Well (x2), Merchant Tent, Oven.
🛣 Road types (x70):
Border (x3), Bridge (x6), Field (x8), Mountain (x12), Road (x35), Water Objects (x6).
Street elements (x78):
Fence (x8), Signboard (x17), Road Sign (x4), Lamp (x4), Chain (x2), Facia (x5), Flag (x20), Torch (x3), Post (4), Ladder (x2), Horse Wagon (x3), Column (x6).
🌲 Trees (x66):
Snag (x3), Log (x4), Tree (35), Flower (x5), Leave (x7), Mushroom (x2), Water Lily (x2), Reeds (x2), Bushes (x4), Grass (x2).
⛰ Stones (x22):
Magic Stones (x2), Stones (x17), Magic Well (x3).
⚙️ Furniture (x44):
Barrel (x3), Chair, Jug (x4), Sack (x7), Table, Vase (x3), Basket, Box (x4), Bucket (x4), Candle (x4), Crate (x5), Trough (x2), Plate, Cutting Board, Pedestal (x2), Magic Boiler.
📦 Goods (x63):
Fish (x4), Flask (x5), Shoes (x5), Jar (x4), Veg (x8), Meat (x4), Bakery (x10), Bottle (x3), Cheese (x2), Egg, Pint (x2), Carpet (x10), Cloth (x5).
⛓ Gallow (x8):
Gallows, Gallows Cell, Gallows Fire (x2), Guillotine, Platform (x2), Skull.
⛺️ Arable (x17):
Field (x2), Bush (x5), Garden Wheelbarrow, Haystack (x5), Scarecrow (x2), Wheat (x2).
⚓ Port (x27):
Boat (x3), Boat Paddle, Fisherman House, Bollard (x6), Post (x3), Mast (x4), Pier (x7), Anchor, Skewer.
🖥 Optimized for:
- Standard RP - Unity 2019.4+
- Universal RP - Unity 2019.4+
✔ Features:
- 3 Texture (2048x2048px)
- Models are between 6 and 6169 verts.
","id":274901449295,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-07-31T18:25:57Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-05-05T08:41:40Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Props_Flask_2","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"206174","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"CubexCube - Medieval Country Pack"},"polygonCount":74,"publishedDate":"2021-12-07T13:33:13Z","publisher":{"id":"55058","name":"Cube x Cube","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"props_flask_2-274901449295","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":4,"name":"Characters & Creatures","slug":"characters-creatures"}],"colors":["gray","black","cyan","yellow"],"description":"Package includes:Candles Candlestick Mini Pack it's a lowpoly game ready pack of models with unwrapped UVs and PBR textures. \n
\nIncludes 4 candles and 1 candlestick. \n
\nFormats: FBX, Obj, Unreal Engine 4.22, Unitypackage 2019.4 (Universal Rendering Pipeline), Marmoset Toolbag scene 3.08 (.tbscene).\n
\nTextures resolution: 2048x2048px. Textures format: TGA. \n
\nTextures set includes:\n
UVs: channel 1: overlapping; channel 2: non-overlapping (for baking lightmaps). \n
\nMore Candles:
RTS Mega Pack Fantasy Buildings with hand-painted textures that are ready to be dropped into any game project.
\n\nThis Bundle includes 10x classes :
\n\nThis stylized pack is inspired on fantasy taverns and inns. It contains 57 prefabs and hand painted textures to help you to build your own scenes and bring your projects to life.
Package Content
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Synty Studios™ Presents -
An absolutely massive low poly asset pack to build your dream game! No need to scour the store looking for packs that match, this is possibly the biggest most comprehensive asset pack ever released on the store.
OVER 1,800 Detailed prefabs are included with this pack.
Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations.
◼ Key Features ◼
- All Buildings have enterable Interiors!
- Modular Bunker System!
- Modular Quarantine Wall!
- Vehicle Armor Attachments to add to our previous vehicles!
- Vehicle weapons to attach to your death machines!
- Modular Gun System - Create thousands of custom guns!
- Includes a MASSIVE demo scene - (Character poses indicative only)
◼ Assets ◼
Characters (x30)
- Biker Male, Business Male, Cool Female, Cool Male, Criminal Male, Eastern Female, Emo Female, Hazmat Male, Homeless Male. Islander Male. Mechanic Female, Nerd Female, Nun Female, Patient Female, Press Male, Punk Female, Riot Cop Male, Scout Female, Sheriff Male, Soldier Female, Soldier Male, Teen Female, Teen Male, Waitress Female, Wanderer Male, Zombie Female x2, Zombie Male x2.
Character Attachments (x86)
- Armors, Backpacks, Beards, Hair, Headgear, Weapon Accessories, etc.
Vehicles (x17)
- Ambulance, Army Truck, Big Rig (with multiple trailers), Buggy, Camper, Medium Car, Caravan, Golf Cart, Hot Rod, Ice Cream Van, Moped, Motorbike x2, Muscle Car, News Van, Prison Bus, Ute.
Vehicle Attachments (x88)
- Bumpers, Armour Plating, Lights, Spoilers, Aerials, Spikes, Cowcatchers, Adornments, etc
Complete Buildings, with interiors (x30)
- Apartment, Auto Repair, Cafe, Church, Commercial (small, medium, large), Diner, House x3, Burnt House, Industrial (small, medium, large), Lighthouse, Market (medium, large), Motel, Shop (small x3, medium x2, large x2), House Trailer x2, Warehouse x2.
Modular Buildings (x150 Pieces)
- Ceilings, Fences, Floors, Walls, Roofs, Bunker Pieces, Loading Docks, Pipes, Walkways, Stairs, Ladders, Beams, Doors, Awnings/Tarps, Signs, Seating etc.
Additional Structures (x24)
- Bridge, Cooling Towers/Smoke Stacks x3, Container Bridge, Crane, Helipad, Military/Quarantine Tents (with damaged versions) x11, Pool, Pylon x2, Radio Tower, Water Tank, Water Tower.
Environment (x240 Pieces)
- Roads, Sidewalks, Tunnels, Highways, Grasses, Bushes, Trees, Rubble, Rocks, Storm Canals, etc.
Props (x671)
- Barricades/Barriers, Crates, Furniture, Billboards/Signs, Wrecked/Burnt Vehicles, Fences, Building Materials, Lamps/Lights, Power Poles, Nuke, Instruments, Rubbish/Trash, Spikes/Shards/Defenses, Camping Equipment, Shop Dressing, etc.
Items (x93)
- Bottles, Ammo, Drinks, Cans, Camping Equipment, Food, Bags, Meds, etc.
Complete Weapons (x86)
- AR’s, SMG’s LMG’s, Pistols, Shotguns, Rocket Launcher, Minigun, Nail Gun, Spear Gun, Bats, Blades, Axes, clubs, improvised weapons, Chainsaws/Garden tools, Grenade, Molotov, Nail Bomb, IEDs, AA gun, Harpoons, Rockets, Saws etc.
Modular Weapons (x184 Pieces)
- Fully modular weapon parts including Stocks, Barrels, Handles, Bodies, Magazines, Suppressors, Scopes/Sights, Bayonets, etc
FX (x28)
- Ash, Blood Splat, Bullet Shells, Dust (interior and wind), Fire x3, Flame Thrower, Flies, Fog x2, Gunshot, Mud, Nuke x2, Pollen, Radioactive (Flat, Large, Small), Rain and Rain Splashes, Road Flare, Smoke (Black, Large, Small), Sparks, Wheel Mud.
◼ Compatibility ◼
- Support Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here for Custom Shaders
- Characters are setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
- Free Mixamo animations can be used on our characters - Mixamo Tutorial
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","fileSize":"138255856","id":274896213159,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2019-09-26T22:49:12Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-04-12T01:38:20Z","modelUrl":"","name":"SM_Item_Bottle_01","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"154193","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"POLYGON Apocalypse - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty"},"polygonCount":200,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Synty Studios"},"rigged":false,"slug":"sm_item_bottle_01-274896213159","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":2},"tags":["POLYGON Apocalypse - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty","Apocalypse","Zombies","Undead","Post","Zombie","dead","blood","walkers","riot","ragdoll","Polygon","starter","dev","Indie","AR","VR","Android","Female","Male","synty","studios","Unity","Weapons"],"unityVersions":["2019.4.28"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["purple","black","blue","cyan","gray","brown","orange"],"description":"Magic potion bottles with separate, colorable \"liquid\" object and removable corks/caps!\nMEDIEVAL CITY PACK.
This pack is suitable for games, render or whatever you want.
128x128 Color schem texture.
Texture format (PNG)
Native file format:
All the models are originally modeled in blender and the .blend format.
Origin, Rotation, scale and position:
The origin, rotation and positon are all at 0,0,0. The scale for all object are 1,1,1.
File formats:
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