Proyecto de Restauración Ecologica

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We chose to use mainly passive ecological restoration methods since the property has the potential to regenerate itself (availability of seeds from native forest patches, not so degraded soils and surface and subway water sources). These methods are: 1. Elimination of invasive exotic species: in January 2020 we began with the restoration of the first 10 hectares of exotic monoculture, which involves removing and controlling mainly pines, eucalyptus and aromos. 2. Exclusion of herbivory: We have fenced the property to prevent livestock from entering the area and thus favor the natural recovery of native flora and fauna. 3. Total abandonment of all agricultural and livestock activities, as well as reforestation with native species. These trees have been reproduced mostly in our greenhouse and also donated by CONAF (National Forestry Corporation). Among the tree species present are the longleaf mañío (Podocarpus salignus, Vulnerable), lingue (Persea lingue), ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia), canelo (Drimys winteri),