
Find Similar (BETA)Purchase Package
Author name
Robin Harris
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 4.99
RMH Test tubes 001
9 Assets

Package Overview

RMH Test tubes 001.

A set of 5 test tubes + corks, with wooden stand. Each test tube has a unique texture (cork, glass roughness patterns), and the liquid inside the tube can have its height adjusted by scaling the Liquid Higher object along its Z-axis. There are prefabs for each of the individual test tubes, stand + test tubes with corks, and stand + test tubes without corks. The test tube prefab is comprised of: tube, liquid lower, liquid higher, and cork, and each object can be removed for greater customisation.

As always, for a better impression of the asset inside the Unity engine, please view the YouTube video in the screenshots section.

(metallic PBR workflow used / all models are .FBX format)

Important Note: This asset uses Linear Color Space. To set this up in your scene, in Unity go to Edit >> Project Settings >> Player , then in the Other Settings section of the Inspector in the Color Space* drop-down menu, select Linear. Using other Color Space settings tends to make colours look washed-out / flat.

Tris / Verts Count (taken from Blender):

Individual Test tube + cork, 752 tris, 398 verts. 1K PNGs. Maps: Albedo, Metallic, Normal, AO
Stand, 664 tris, 364 verts. 1K PNGs. Maps: Albedo, Metallic, Normal, AO

The HDRI file used to light the scene was downloaded freely from HDR Labs sIBL Archive.

Version History
V1.0: Released.