RMH Vial

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Author name
Robin Harris
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
RMH Vial 001
1 Assets

Package Overview

RMH Vial 001.

A simple, yet customisable vial with liquid, and a cork stopper. The liquid height level is adjustable by scaling the Z-axis. The liquid inside the vial can have its material entirely changed based on Unity's Standard shader model, and the vial glass can have a few of its material properties changed, all allowing the vial to be modified to achieve different looks. Vial and the cork stopper share the same material.

As always, for a better impression of the asset inside the Unity engine, please view the YouTube video in the screenshots section.

(metallic PBR workflow used / all models are .FBX format)

Tris / Verts Count (taken from Blender):

Vial, 540 tris, 272 verts. 2K PNGs. Maps: Albedo, Metallic, Normal, AO
Vial Liquid, 60 tris, 32 verts.
Cork Stopper, 60 tris, 32 verts. 2K PNGs. Maps: Albedo, Metallic, Normal, AO

The HDRI file used to light the scene was downloaded freely from HDR Labs sIBL Archive.

Version History
V1.0: Released.
V1.1: Fixed issue with render queue of liquid (this made the liquid texture 'pop' when moved to certain angles).
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