SkullsInSombreros2.0 Variant 1

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Author name
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 25
Skulls In Sombreros 2
8 Assets

Package Overview

They were never really gone. Yet, they are back!

This is the second iteration of the Skulls in Sombreros package. This package brings a Mecanim-Ready skeleton character, re-imagined in a different style of the previous version. It includes 16 animations:
-Idle Alert;
-Run (root motion);
-Die while armed;
-Walk (root motion);
-Run(in place);
-Run(root motion);
-Bullet dodger 1;
-Bullet dodger 2;
-Draws gun;
-Holsters gun;
-Turn 90 degrees;
-Idle ready to draw;
-Sitting Idle;

The Skulls in Sombreros 2 character has an animated bandana and scarf with 5 expressions/animations:
- Afraid;

This package contains a Prefabs Builder scene.
There are 5 materials that can be mixed and matched with an equivalent 5 skeletons materials.
All textures sized 2k.

Polygon Count: |Verts:15k| Faces:16k| Tris:30k|