Legendary Three of Axes has fallen to challenge to the hand of the Warrior.
Trio Axe Collection 1 LowPoly and Game Ready (Blender 3.0.1 & UnrealEngine 4.27.2)
Blender Details:
- Individual Unique Meshes: 3
- Number of Materials: 3
- Number of Textures: 15
- Baked Texture: Yes
- UV Overlapping: Yes, except the handle.
- Texture Formats: BaseColor 2k, Metallic 2k, Roughness 2k, Normal 1k, Height 2k.
- Statistics Total: 2,307 Vertices, 4,396 Faces, 2,106 Triangles
Unreal Engine Details:
- Number of Unique Meshes: 3
- Collision: Yes
- Vertex Count: 4.158
- LODs: Yes
- Materials: 3
- Material Instances: 3
- Number of Textures: 12
- Texture Formats: BaseColor, OcclusionRoughnessMetallicm, Normal, & Emissive.
- Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048px