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Author name
Stonewall Studios
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 4.99
Low Poly Pirate Pack - Props
38 Assets

Package Overview

A low poly pirate themed props pack.

All Iteams share a 1024 x 1024 texture atlas. Poly counts range from 68 to 1214.

Props – 38 Assets x3 alternative texture colors.
- Apple
- Barrel
- British Cannon
- Pirate Cannon
- Candle
- Cannon Ball Pile
- Chest
- Compass
- Cooking Fire
- Crab
- Crate
- Cup
- Cutlass
- Daggers x2
- Fire
- Gems x3
- Lantern
- Torches x2
- Map
- Musket
- Chests x2
- Pearl
- Pistol
- Plank of Wood
- Rapier
- Rum Bottle
- Shovel
- Cannon Ball
- Skeleton
- Skull
- Spear
- Spyglass
- Table
- Turtle

Contact email: stonewallstudios@zoho.com