Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search.
We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
","id":274903077260,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-24T19:42:51Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-03T23:49:22Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Fence_O_03Doors","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"72974","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Fences - Toon"},"polygonCount":120,"publishedDate":"2016-10-14T23:56:24Z","publisher":{"id":"21370","name":"Saintpix","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"fence_o_03doors-274903077260","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9,"name":"Nature & Plants","slug":"nature-plants"}],"colors":["gray","cyan"],"description":"Discord Channel|Website & Support|Facebook
\n\nPack support unity:
\n- Unity 2017.3+
\n- Unity 2018
\n- Unity 2018 HD RP 4.9
\n- Unity 2018 LW RP 4.9
\n- New Unity Terrain 2018.3+ Support
\n- Unity 2019
\n- Unity 2019.1 HD RP 5.7+
\n- Unity 2019.1 LW RP 5.7+
\n- Unity 2019.2+ LW RP 6.9+
\n- Unity 2019.2+ HD RP 6.9+
\n- Unity 2019.3+ LW RP 7.18+
\n- Unity 2019.3+ HD RP 7.18+
\n- Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+
\n- Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+
\n- Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP
\n- Unity 2019.4 LTS URP
\n- Unity 2020+
\n- Unity 2020.1+ HD RP 8.2+
\n- Unity 2020.1+ URP 8.2+
\n- Unity 2020.2+ HD RP 10.2+
\n- Unity 2020.2+ URP 10.2+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS HD RP 10.3+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS URP 10.2+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS HD RP 10.7+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS URP 10.7+
\n- Unity 2021+
\n- Unity 2021.1+ HD RP 11.0+
\n- Unity 2021.1+ URP 11.0+
\n- Unity 2021.2+ HD RP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2021.2+ URP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2021.3+ LTS HD RP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2021.3+ LTS URP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2022+
\n- RTX support for HD RP 2020.1+
\n- VS PRO at Standard, HD and URP support for 7.2+
\n- SRP Batcher support Unity 2019.2, 2019.3+ LW, URP AND HD RP
\n- DOTS instancing support \n
\n\nTo run HD or LW RP please import pack to HD or LW RP project and then import support pack which is inside the asset in \"HD and LW RP support\" or \"HD and URP support\" folder. It will replace shaders, prefabs, meshes so they will work with RP out of the box. Please also check readme files inside that folder.\n\n
\nWe mark at screens HD SRP and NON HD SRP screens.\n
\n\nThis pack is:
\n- Huge library of 100% scanned assets, carefully optimized, atlased, LOD’ed;
\n- Group of shaders which will bring better quality and simplify your workflow, if you want to use them;
\n- Meadow Environment with small groves ;
\n- All shaders are shared between our all assets;
\n- HD SRP Demo from video is included;
\n- Demo for unity standard rendering, pretty as well also included;
\n- Demo scene for Vegetation Studio NON PRO included;
\n- Demo scene for Vegetation Studio PRO included;
\n- NON HD SRP Demo scene from 2nd video need at least : Vegetation Studio Pro, R.A.M 2019 – River Auto Material 2019 to run. Step by step tutorial, download link and used assets are in video description;
\n- It works best with Vegetation Studio and Vegetation Studio Pro;\n
\n\nIn our pack you will find 5 aspects (artistic content, shaders, tools, support files):
\n\n1) Artistic content:
\n- 21 cliff models with LOD’s and 91 prefabs: standard, top covered or by mask by leaves, grass;
\n- 20 rock models with LOD’s and 68 prefabs: standard, top covered or by mask by leaves, grass;
\n- 6 low poly background mountains ;
\n- 8 bushes: willow and maple with LOD’s and cross as last LOD;
\n- 9 detail meshes: clover, daisy, dead grass,grass plants, leaves with LOD’s;
\n- 21 models of construction kit fences with LOD’s;
\n- 24 models of system fences: post and span;
\n- 12 models of combined fence models with LOD’s;
\n- 53 fence prefabs from all mentioned configurations;
\n- 10 flower types with 45 LOD’ed meshes in variants: planes, cross, detailed ;
\n- 15 grass types, LOD’ed in variants: planes, cross, detailed ;
\n- 70 flowers and grass prefabs with LOD’s;
\n- 70 flowers and grass prefabs for unity terrain without LOD’s;
\n- 5 ground texture sets: 27 textures with: albedo/smoothness, ao, heightmap, normalmap, MT/AO/H/SM;
\n- particles and insects: bees, butterfly, leaves, dust;
\n- 2 dirty road materials with parallax shader with R.A.M road profiles;
\n- 14 terrain heightmap stamps for your terrain and unity terrain stamping 2018.3+;
\n- 14 GAIA terrain stamps;
\n- 3 Tree stumps with LOD’s and blended with terrain blend variants;
\n- 2 mushrooms with LOD’s;
\n- 3 variants of tree prefabs: HD, Vegetation Studio, Optimised and baked;
\n- 11 trees with LOD’s and cross as last LOD;
\n- Trees are in types: plants, small tree, standalone tree, forest tree, dead tree;
\n- Tree triangles specification below;
\n- All textures contain:Albedo, Normalmap, Metallic, Height, AO, Smoothness;
\n- In ground textures you will find: meadow grass, dirty ground, dirty grass, leaves, needless;
\n- HD SRP demo;
\n- Unity standard rendering demo;
\n- Demo with spawn functions for Vegetation Studio Pro;
\n- Demo with spawn functions for Vegetation Studio Standard - NON PRO ;\n
\n\n2) Shaders:
\n- All shaders support vegetation studio instanced indirect out of the box;
\n- 3 grass shader :lite, standard, specular;
\n- 4 standard shaders with auto texture cover by mask or by top (terrain blend);
\n- 1 cross shaders as last tree LOD
\n- bark and leaves shaders with metallic/specular variants;
\n- automatic wetness support for hd and lw rp 2019.2+ when object touch river auto material water surface;
\n- make note that lw and hd rp gets about 7 new additional shaders with: planar, triplanar uv, cover via direction vector and much more.\n\n
\n3) Ported wind shading from HD SRP:
\n- Advanced and cheap in render wind shading;
\n- Wind will be shared between our all assets;
\n- Wind works 1:1 like in HD SRP;
\n- Wind manage grass colors and normals;\n\n
\n4) Tools and Scripts:
\n- HD SRP ported wind to lower unity versions; \n\n
\n5) Additional support files:
\n- Post process stack 2.0 profiles;
\n- GAIA stamp;
\n- R.A.M road profile;\n\n
\nTrees specification - low overdraw and smart shaders which are gpu friendly.
\nTrees contain optimised and HD versions:
\nOptimised LOD’s average tris:
\nBig Standalone :14200/6200/4000/2500/24(cross);
\nBig Forest : 6000/2600/1600/1100/20(cross);
\nMedium ;9200/6200/3500/2100/24(cross);
\nYoung :3200/1300/650/27(cross);
\nPlant :900/450/2400/24(cross);
\nHD LOD’s tris are pretty similar:
\n\nAll shaders use the same channels as unity standard shaders and support instantiating:
\nMetalic Shader: Albedo (RGB) // Metalic (R) Ambient Occlusion (G) Smothness (A) // Normal (RGB)
\nSpecular Shader: Albedo (RGB) // Normal (RGB) // Specular (RGB) Smothness (A) // Ambient Occlusion (G)
\nWe use and advise to use such configuration in your projct to save a lot of memory and gpu sources . Instead of spearated 5-6 textures you can use 3 combined textures ,with the same result in unity standard shader as well as in our system. This config also make this asset 100% compatibile with HD SRP.\n
\n\nTextures are 2048x2048 up to 4096x4096 resolution but they look very good also at lower resolution. With packed and atlased structure they are very light for gpu and memory.\n
\nPack contain ported wind from Unity 2018 HD SRP into lower unity versions and LW SRP this means that asset uses: NMWind.cginc ,NMWindNoShiver.cginc ,NMWind.hlsl, NMWindNoShiver.hlsl, NM_Wind.cs, ShaderWindSettings.cs, 3DNoise.psd, GustNoise.psd under Unity Companion License see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details. \n
\n\n You could also look at our other packs: \n\n
\nAssets Bundle:
\n\n Environment Bundle - Dynamic Nature \n\n
\nUnity Tools:
\n River Auto Material 2019
\n River Auto Material
\n Lava & Volcano Environment 2019
\n Lava & Volcano Environment
\n\n World Streamer 2
\n\n World Streamer
\n Terrain Stitcher Tools
\n Multiple Terrain Brush
\n Mountain Environment - Dynamic Nature
\n Forest Environment - Dynamic Nature
\n Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature
\n\n Mountain Trees - Dynamic Nature
\n\n Fire & Smoke - Dynamic Nature
\n\n Dynamic Nature - Starter
\n\n Ice World
\n\n Advanced Rock Pack
\n\n Advanced Foliage Pack
\n\n PBR Graveyard Pack
\n\nWinter Mountains and Stamps
\n\nPhoto Scanned Park Assets
\n\n Mountain Tree Pack
\n\n Realistic Tree Pack
\n\n Realistic Grass Pack
\n\nGround Textures:
\n Winter Ground Pack
\n Landscape Ground Pack
\n Landscape Ground Pack 2
\n\nVR & FP Models:
\n VR Hands FP Arms
","fileSize":"3377120563","id":274895740792,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2018-11-01T17:09:08Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-04-12T21:10:21Z","modelUrl":"","name":"prefab_Terrain_flower_chamomile_01_2","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"132195","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature"},"polygonCount":13,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"NatureManufacture"},"rigged":false,"slug":"prefab_terrain_flower_chamomile_01_2-274895740792","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature","meadow grass foliage 3d r","a","m river lake fence wood system tree trees rock cliff LOD scanned photo models flowers flower trunk landscape ground leaves needles mud dirt road path photoscanned gaia vs vs pro vegetation studio nature bush urp"],"unityVersions":["2017.3.1"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["cyan","gray"],"description":"Fantasy House Construction Kit it is a hight quality modular pack for creating a different medieval or fantasy scenes. Create thousands of variations interior/exterior houses with windows, walls, stairs, roof, and floor pieces + 50 different medieval objects (tables, chairs, shelves, pottery, boxes, bags, barrels, etc.).\n
\nFeatures: \n
\nAbout 100 modular house pieces. \n
\n50 different objects - tables, chairs, shelves, pottery, barrels, etc. (each with LODs).\n
\n3 Particle systems.\n
\n2 Demo scenes.\n
\n8 Premade houses.\n
\nIncluded post processing stack setup profile.\n
\nHQ PBR textures optimized for Unity. \n
","fileSize":"1156120640","id":274895841299,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2017-06-23T21:00:31Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2021-08-02T08:17:15Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Door_1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"91430","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"HQ Modular Fantasy House"},"polygonCount":1518,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Next Level 3D"},"rigged":false,"slug":"door_1-274895841299","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["HQ Modular Fantasy House","Fantasy","Medieval","House","City","Props","Modular","HQ","PBR"],"unityVersions":["5.6.2"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["black","gray"],"description":"**Major Update version 1.6:
\nAdded 288 Modular Prefabs!
\nFeaturing new Siege Castle Walls! and Advertised \"Foundation Templates\" for another new set for modular house creation! (As seen in video below)
\n1.6.1 is a minor patch update, featuring 5 new prefabs. 3 new towers with 90 degrees angle doors, and 2 new base tower pieces, for easier creation on uneven ground.
\n**Major Update Version 1.5:
\nAdding 383 new modular prefabs! (from both v1.3 + v1.5) 1.5.1 is now available, with new snowy rocks, and rock walls!
\nThis package is made up of a new total of 1,688 modular structure and nature prefabs, 2048res atlas textures, PBR materials, and great quality, with medium- low poly counts for most prefabs.
\nCombine all 5 total \"main\" materials included in this package for a total of over 5,000+ modular prefabs. 90% of every structure and props models shown in videos, and screenshots (per scene), share only 1 texture UV layout, with a few extra textures for added props, etc..
\nVersion 1.6 brings a new set called \"Foundation Templates\" in a folder called \"Prefabs Set 3.\" These pieces are pre-built house foundations set up as templates for you to manually / custom place your walls around how you want them to look!
\nSiege Castle pieces, are huge castle structures, fully walk-able in and out! Along with some 1-sided pieces included, for fast building!
\nVersion 1.5 brought forth an entire new set to the package, located in a folder called: \"Prefabs Set 2 (NEW).\" Here, you will find an entire supply of modular housing pieces, and pre-made modules. These pieces are higher polys, and higher detailed, but with multiple stages of LODs included on all Tris heavy pieces!
\nThere is a README included in the package, that explains the set-up for the file structure, and the way that it is organized for your convenience. Each category features *5 folder names called: \"Wood Light,\" \"Wood Dark,\" \"Wood Old,\" \"Wood Mossy,\" and \"Wood Mahogany!\" This is made this way to find prefabs associated with the appropriate materials with ease!\n
\nFirst NEW video: Showing a look at the new foundation template pieces, while building along, provided with a commentary about the new update!
\n(Second one in the list). First half of video, showing a modular breakdown of one of the new set house modules included, along with some of the unique modular walls and pieces included. Second half, shows a walk-through of the new Main Demo V1.5 included in the package!
\nThe third video showcases the advertised Version 1.25 \"Highlands River\" demo scene!
\nThe fourth video was made with the first package version and shows a quick fly-through with a bird's eye view of the demo scene included! This is a full demo scene, taking up the majority of the terrain. Everything (Except these trees in this particular video) is included. I do not own the rights to these Speed Tree trees, but they are available to download using Unity's Standard Assets!\n
\n**Want to see a detailed list of all of the 383 new prefabs included in version 1.5? See the \"Versions\" tab below for the \"Release Notes!\"
\nVersion 1.0 (First release) FEATURING:
\n- 26 House modules
\n- 11 Rocks for added scenery
\n- 19 Modular chapel pieces
\n- 6 Large Structures: Castle Courtyard, Horse Stable, and Chapels
\n- 15 \"Fast Castle\" pieces (1 Sided Exterior Walls)
\n- 35 Castle Prefabs: Towers, Gatehouses, and different levels of Castle Walls
\n- 47 \"Fast Housing\" prefabs (1 Sided Exterior Walls)
\n- 16 \"Fast Housing\" Roofs
\n- 16 Floors, stairs, and platforms for houses
\n- 17 Modular Medieval Plaster House Walls
\n- 34 Modular Roof Pieces (Levels of Building)
\n- 24 Modular Stone House Walls (Levels of Building)
\n- 34 Modular Wood House Walls (Levels of Building)
\n- 35 Marketplace Food items and food barrels
\n- 11 Marketplace misc: Tables, and Awnings
\n- 28 Barrels and Crates, single and grouped
\n- 21 Training Dummies, Targets, and Arrows
\n- 29 Town Props: Fences, Wells, and Carts
\n- 16 Lanterns: basic and hanging
\n- 7 Misc Wooden Bridges
\n- 7 Wood and Stone Stacks
\n- 5 Hanging Carry Platforms
\n- 5 Wooden Cranes
\n- 15 Scaffolding pieces and Ladders
","fileSize":"1363735124","id":274895776331,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2017-08-29T21:21:20Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-03-19T09:22:26Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Chapel_Doors_Set_1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"97279","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Ultimate Medieval Constructor"},"polygonCount":408,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Aquarius Max"},"rigged":false,"slug":"chapel_doors_set_1-274895776331","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["Ultimate Medieval Constructor","castle","town","village","city","Aquarius Max","castles","temples","medieval","fantasy","modular","modules","3d","PBR","high quality","HD","environments","buildings","building","create","creator kit","ultimate kit","cliffs","rocks","scenery","highlands","nature"],"unityVersions":["5.5.0"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["gray","cyan"],"description":"Estela funeraria realizada en yeso policromado. Aparece la difunta en posición sedente frente a su marido Ctesilao.\nPieza original en mármol, ubicada en el Museo Arqueológico de Atenas.\n\n\nModelo 3D realizado por Rocío Ruiz Montero.","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":2719428,"free":true,"id":274893911156,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2020-12-25T11:25:18Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-12-25T11:25:18Z","name":"Modelo 3D: \"Estela funeraria de Teanó\".","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"2f8a17dbc016402580b249d6e1867bf1","polygonCount":60000,"publishedDate":"2020-12-25T11:25:18Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"rociorm","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"modelo_3d_estela_funeraria_de_tean-274893911156","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":2},"tags":null,"vertexCount":30401},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["gray","cyan","brown"],"description":"
package includes
\n\ncontainer wall, wall with door, container with sliding section, container floor, support from container, container with glass insert, roof, square platform, bridge, container frame, ladder, metal platform
\n\ngreen platform, bevel cell, cell, column, ground
\n\nmillet, claw, cabbage, coral, birch, vase, mushroom, parasite, bigonia, panzer, luminescent mushroom, dill, poppy, violet, orchid, pasiflora, ivy
\n\ncontainer ship, fast transporter, robot, spider, commanderퟀ�s robot, scout robot, fuel truck, patrol bike
\n\nstones, fabric, satellite dish, pipe, mount, lift, banner, chain, support, ladder, crane, antenna, mesh, support, square container, wire, barrel, point, pile, lamp, pillar, bump stop, banner, slagboun, box, brake light, signboard, well, plumbing, window, mount, wall appliances
\n\n the total number of polygons in the project is 233356. In addition, textures were used for 3 512x512 images, the number of materials was 3 p>","fileSize":"112979167","id":274896063402,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2021-03-05T16:57:12Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2021-11-29T09:39:17Z","modelUrl":"","name":"jarst_sign_2","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"190400","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"POLY alien planet"},"polygonCount":200,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"A.R.S|T."},"rigged":false,"slug":"jarst_sign_2-274896063402","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["POLY alien planet","alien planet","future","droid","plants","mushroom","walker","base","mars","moon","container","environment","speeder","bazaar","market","city","settlement","colony","base","forest","container"],"unityVersions":["2019.4.18"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["gray","blue","purple","brown","cyan","red","orange"],"description":"A Site Model of Madrid made at Cornell University.","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":4862628,"free":true,"id":274894422918,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2015-11-03T02:17:52Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2015-11-03T02:17:52Z","name":"Art2907 Assignment 3 esm227","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"100c3c041b2249c68fa8721d613472cd","polygonCount":167162,"publishedDate":"2015-11-03T02:17:52Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"esm227","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"art2907_assignment_3_esm227-274894422918","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["art2907"],"vertexCount":83840},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":10,"name":"Weapons & Military","slug":"weapons-military"}],"colors":["cyan","black","gray"],"description":"This pack is also included in this bundle:
\n \n
\n\nThe ultimate collection of tiny low poly shields features 30 different models of shields and defensive items in a cartoon-like style .
Each shield has a flat and a smooth shader setup and has 6 different color variations which leads to 360 shield variations in total. \n
\n\nAll meshes are between 162 and 588 tris.\n
\n \nWhat is included?
\n- 30 Shields
\n- 180 Color variations
\n- 2 Demo Scenes
\n- All materials and textures
\n- A flat and a smooth shader setup for each weapon
\n- AR , VR and Mobile ready
","id":274901641805,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-04T06:39:50Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-02T21:00:01Z","modelUrl":"","name":"m_ScutumShield01","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"178167","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Ultimate Shields Pack"},"polygonCount":372,"publishedDate":"2020-09-07T13:55:13Z","publisher":{"id":"47557","name":"EpiXR Games","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"m_scutumshield01-274901641805","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":10,"name":"Weapons & Military","slug":"weapons-military"}],"colors":["black","cyan","gray"],"description":"A collection containing an assortment of PBR Ready Riot Gear, Including Batons, Riotshields and Less than Lethal Grenades.\n
\nRiot Shields come with a Police and S.W.A.T Material Variant.
\nIncludes a Unique Dirty Glass Material (Used by the Riot Shields but can be used for any glass objects)
\nAll Textures are 4096x4096
\nVertices range: 1188-13134\n
\nProps Included:
\n-Blackjack 1
\n-Blackjack 2
\n-Riot Shield 1
(Two Variants, Police and S.W.A.T)
\n-Riot Shield 2
(Two Variants, Police and S.W.A.T)
\n-Riot Shield 3
(Two Variants, Police and S.W.A.T)
\n-Sting Grenade
\n-Stun Baton
\n-Tear Gas Grenade
\n-Telescopic Baton
","id":274902107677,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-11T15:39:16Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-03T14:50:58Z","modelUrl":"","name":"prefab_RiotShield1_Variant2","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"105019","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Assortment of Riot Gear"},"polygonCount":3107,"publishedDate":"2017-12-13T17:37:26Z","publisher":{"id":"33244","name":"Facetious Creations","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"prefab_riotshield1_variant2-274902107677","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":5,"name":"Art & History","slug":"art-history"}],"colors":[],"downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":1524000,"free":true,"id":274893300755,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2016-08-01T18:06:36Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2016-08-01T18:06:36Z","name":"cemetary plate","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"93ef3734029743f0a3a5fa6969cb9a8e","polygonCount":30000,"publishedDate":"2016-08-01T18:06:36Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"falk lochmann","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"cemetary_plate-274893300755","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["plate","reference","cemetary","photoscan"],"vertexCount":15179},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":7,"name":"Furniture & Home","slug":"furniture-home"}],"colors":["brown","cyan","gray","red","green","black"],"downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":1369884,"free":true,"id":274894373118,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2022-06-21T01:03:53Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-06-21T01:03:53Z","name":"door","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"e8f1ac39b9ec4f6f88f58a31c5c56760","polygonCount":18416,"publishedDate":"2022-06-21T01:03:53Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"gohean33","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"door-274894373118","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":4},"tags":["indoor","interior","door"],"vertexCount":9466},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":4,"name":"Characters & Creatures","slug":"characters-creatures"}],"colors":["cyan","brown","gray","yellow","white","green","black"],"downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":45610220,"free":true,"id":274893915207,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2016-10-25T10:49:56Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2016-10-25T10:49:56Z","name":"Finca Putumayo","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"09a37acac05c4d52ab15510e844297e9","polygonCount":1136799,"publishedDate":"2016-10-25T10:49:56Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"john_navione","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"finca_putumayo-274893915207","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":3},"tags":["dronemapping-drone-topography"],"vertexCount":570253},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":11,"name":"Electronics & Gadgets","slug":"electronics-gadgets"}],"colors":["cyan","gray","purple","yellow","red","orange","black","blue"],"description":"FPS Police Riot Shield\n\nPlease share your work with me! I'd love to see what you've done.\nAlso credit me: lilBernier","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":171180,"free":true,"id":274892881581,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2022-01-23T14:03:31Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-01-23T14:03:31Z","name":"Riot Shield","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"9ea46239df6b4afba5037837cdb9b108","polygonCount":692,"publishedDate":"2022-01-23T14:03:31Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"lilBernier","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"riot_shield-274892881581","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":7},"tags":["police","weapon"],"vertexCount":412},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9,"name":"Nature & Plants","slug":"nature-plants"}],"colors":["gray","cyan"],"description":"Discord Channel|Website & Support|Facebook
\n\nPack support unity:
\n- Unity 2017.3+
\n- Unity 2018
\n- Unity 2018 HD RP 4.9
\n- Unity 2018 LW RP 4.9
\n- New Unity Terrain 2018.3+ Support
\n- Unity 2019
\n- Unity 2019.1 HD RP 5.7+
\n- Unity 2019.1 LW RP 5.7+
\n- Unity 2019.2+ LW RP 6.9+
\n- Unity 2019.2+ HD RP 6.9+
\n- Unity 2019.3+ LW RP 7.18+
\n- Unity 2019.3+ HD RP 7.18+
\n- Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+
\n- Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+
\n- Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP
\n- Unity 2019.4 LTS URP
\n- Unity 2020+
\n- Unity 2020.1+ HD RP 8.2+
\n- Unity 2020.1+ URP 8.2+
\n- Unity 2020.2+ HD RP 10.2+
\n- Unity 2020.2+ URP 10.2+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS HD RP 10.3+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS URP 10.2+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS HD RP 10.7+
\n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS URP 10.7+
\n- Unity 2021+
\n- Unity 2021.1+ HD RP 11.0+
\n- Unity 2021.1+ URP 11.0+
\n- Unity 2021.2+ HD RP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2021.2+ URP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2021.3+ LTS HD RP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2021.3+ LTS URP 12.1+
\n- Unity 2022+
\n- RTX support for HD RP 2020.1+
\n- VS PRO at Standard, HD and URP support for 7.2+
\n- SRP Batcher support Unity 2019.2, 2019.3+ LW, URP AND HD RP
\n- DOTS instancing support \n
\n\nTo run HD or LW RP please import pack to HD or LW RP project and then import support pack which is inside the asset in \"HD and LW RP support\" or \"HD and URP support\" folder. It will replace shaders, prefabs, meshes so they will work with RP out of the box. Please also check readme files inside that folder.\n\n
\nWe mark at screens HD SRP and NON HD SRP screens.\n
\n\nThis pack is:
\n- Huge library of 100% scanned assets, carefully optimized, atlased, LOD’ed;
\n- Group of shaders which will bring better quality and simplify your workflow, if you want to use them;
\n- Meadow Environment with small groves ;
\n- All shaders are shared between our all assets;
\n- HD SRP Demo from video is included;
\n- Demo for unity standard rendering, pretty as well also included;
\n- Demo scene for Vegetation Studio NON PRO included;
\n- Demo scene for Vegetation Studio PRO included;
\n- NON HD SRP Demo scene from 2nd video need at least : Vegetation Studio Pro, R.A.M 2019 – River Auto Material 2019 to run. Step by step tutorial, download link and used assets are in video description;
\n- It works best with Vegetation Studio and Vegetation Studio Pro;\n
\n\nIn our pack you will find 5 aspects (artistic content, shaders, tools, support files):
\n\n1) Artistic content:
\n- 21 cliff models with LOD’s and 91 prefabs: standard, top covered or by mask by leaves, grass;
\n- 20 rock models with LOD’s and 68 prefabs: standard, top covered or by mask by leaves, grass;
\n- 6 low poly background mountains ;
\n- 8 bushes: willow and maple with LOD’s and cross as last LOD;
\n- 9 detail meshes: clover, daisy, dead grass,grass plants, leaves with LOD’s;
\n- 21 models of construction kit fences with LOD’s;
\n- 24 models of system fences: post and span;
\n- 12 models of combined fence models with LOD’s;
\n- 53 fence prefabs from all mentioned configurations;
\n- 10 flower types with 45 LOD’ed meshes in variants: planes, cross, detailed ;
\n- 15 grass types, LOD’ed in variants: planes, cross, detailed ;
\n- 70 flowers and grass prefabs with LOD’s;
\n- 70 flowers and grass prefabs for unity terrain without LOD’s;
\n- 5 ground texture sets: 27 textures with: albedo/smoothness, ao, heightmap, normalmap, MT/AO/H/SM;
\n- particles and insects: bees, butterfly, leaves, dust;
\n- 2 dirty road materials with parallax shader with R.A.M road profiles;
\n- 14 terrain heightmap stamps for your terrain and unity terrain stamping 2018.3+;
\n- 14 GAIA terrain stamps;
\n- 3 Tree stumps with LOD’s and blended with terrain blend variants;
\n- 2 mushrooms with LOD’s;
\n- 3 variants of tree prefabs: HD, Vegetation Studio, Optimised and baked;
\n- 11 trees with LOD’s and cross as last LOD;
\n- Trees are in types: plants, small tree, standalone tree, forest tree, dead tree;
\n- Tree triangles specification below;
\n- All textures contain:Albedo, Normalmap, Metallic, Height, AO, Smoothness;
\n- In ground textures you will find: meadow grass, dirty ground, dirty grass, leaves, needless;
\n- HD SRP demo;
\n- Unity standard rendering demo;
\n- Demo with spawn functions for Vegetation Studio Pro;
\n- Demo with spawn functions for Vegetation Studio Standard - NON PRO ;\n
\n\n2) Shaders:
\n- All shaders support vegetation studio instanced indirect out of the box;
\n- 3 grass shader :lite, standard, specular;
\n- 4 standard shaders with auto texture cover by mask or by top (terrain blend);
\n- 1 cross shaders as last tree LOD
\n- bark and leaves shaders with metallic/specular variants;
\n- automatic wetness support for hd and lw rp 2019.2+ when object touch river auto material water surface;
\n- make note that lw and hd rp gets about 7 new additional shaders with: planar, triplanar uv, cover via direction vector and much more.\n\n
\n3) Ported wind shading from HD SRP:
\n- Advanced and cheap in render wind shading;
\n- Wind will be shared between our all assets;
\n- Wind works 1:1 like in HD SRP;
\n- Wind manage grass colors and normals;\n\n
\n4) Tools and Scripts:
\n- HD SRP ported wind to lower unity versions; \n\n
\n5) Additional support files:
\n- Post process stack 2.0 profiles;
\n- GAIA stamp;
\n- R.A.M road profile;\n\n
\nTrees specification - low overdraw and smart shaders which are gpu friendly.
\nTrees contain optimised and HD versions:
\nOptimised LOD’s average tris:
\nBig Standalone :14200/6200/4000/2500/24(cross);
\nBig Forest : 6000/2600/1600/1100/20(cross);
\nMedium ;9200/6200/3500/2100/24(cross);
\nYoung :3200/1300/650/27(cross);
\nPlant :900/450/2400/24(cross);
\nHD LOD’s tris are pretty similar:
\n\nAll shaders use the same channels as unity standard shaders and support instantiating:
\nMetalic Shader: Albedo (RGB) // Metalic (R) Ambient Occlusion (G) Smothness (A) // Normal (RGB)
\nSpecular Shader: Albedo (RGB) // Normal (RGB) // Specular (RGB) Smothness (A) // Ambient Occlusion (G)
\nWe use and advise to use such configuration in your projct to save a lot of memory and gpu sources . Instead of spearated 5-6 textures you can use 3 combined textures ,with the same result in unity standard shader as well as in our system. This config also make this asset 100% compatibile with HD SRP.\n
\n\nTextures are 2048x2048 up to 4096x4096 resolution but they look very good also at lower resolution. With packed and atlased structure they are very light for gpu and memory.\n
\nPack contain ported wind from Unity 2018 HD SRP into lower unity versions and LW SRP this means that asset uses: NMWind.cginc ,NMWindNoShiver.cginc ,NMWind.hlsl, NMWindNoShiver.hlsl, NM_Wind.cs, ShaderWindSettings.cs, 3DNoise.psd, GustNoise.psd under Unity Companion License see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details. \n
\n\n You could also look at our other packs: \n\n
\nAssets Bundle:
\n\n Environment Bundle - Dynamic Nature \n\n
\nUnity Tools:
\n River Auto Material 2019
\n River Auto Material
\n Lava & Volcano Environment 2019
\n Lava & Volcano Environment
\n\n World Streamer 2
\n\n World Streamer
\n Terrain Stitcher Tools
\n Multiple Terrain Brush
\n Mountain Environment - Dynamic Nature
\n Forest Environment - Dynamic Nature
\n Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature
\n\n Mountain Trees - Dynamic Nature
\n\n Fire & Smoke - Dynamic Nature
\n\n Dynamic Nature - Starter
\n\n Ice World
\n\n Advanced Rock Pack
\n\n Advanced Foliage Pack
\n\n PBR Graveyard Pack
\n\nWinter Mountains and Stamps
\n\nPhoto Scanned Park Assets
\n\n Mountain Tree Pack
\n\n Realistic Tree Pack
\n\n Realistic Grass Pack
\n\nGround Textures:
\n Winter Ground Pack
\n Landscape Ground Pack
\n Landscape Ground Pack 2
\n\nVR & FP Models:
\n VR Hands FP Arms
","fileSize":"3377120563","id":274895753338,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2018-11-01T17:09:08Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-04-12T21:10:21Z","modelUrl":"","name":"prefab_flower_chamomile_01_2","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"132195","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature"},"polygonCount":13,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"NatureManufacture"},"rigged":false,"slug":"prefab_flower_chamomile_01_2-274895753338","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature","meadow grass foliage 3d r","a","m river lake fence wood system tree trees rock cliff LOD scanned photo models flowers flower trunk landscape ground leaves needles mud dirt road path photoscanned gaia vs vs pro vegetation studio nature bush urp"],"unityVersions":["2017.3.1"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["brown","black","orange","gray","cyan","red"],"description":"This product is designed for all developers who want to use low-polly medieval models. The package contains buildings with and without interior. Specific net standard 2.0.\n It’s tested and it’s working flawlessly: Unity 5.0.1, 5.3.0, 5.5.0, 5.6.0, 5.6.2\nIf you have any questions or suggestions about my assets, please contact me
\n--- Content ---
\n- Materials
\n- Buildings , Nature , LOD
\n\n--- Models ---
\n- Buildings
\n- Fence
\n- Grave
\n- Mole
\n- Nature
\n- Path Stone
\n- Ruins
\n- Sings
\n- Things
\n- walls
\nBuildings not inside - 30x
\nbourgeois houses - 9x
\nbridges- 2x
\nchurchs - 2x
\nlighthouses 2x
\nMain buildings- 2x
\nmills- 2x
\nbarrack - 1x
\nfountain - 1x
\nmine - 1x
\nprison - 1x
\nschool bourgeois - 1x
\nsmithy - 1x
\nstable - 1x
\ntemple - 1x
\ntheater - 1x
\nPubs - 4x
\nTents - 4x
\nThe markets - 6x
\nTourters 2x
\nTowers - 2x
\nGate - 1x
\nwall no stairs - 1x
\nHouse village- 13x
\ngranary - 1x
\nstock - 1x
\nwell 2x
\nfence - 18x
\nfood - 10x
\ngrave - 12x
\nmole - 3x
\n\nbroadleaf - 6x
\nbushes - 4x
\nconifer - 2x
\ndead debris - 8x
\ndead tree- 2x
\ndead brenchs - 1x
\nbough - 1x
\nLittle tree - 4x
\nRocks - 6x
\nGate rock - 1x
\nStones -2x
\nwood log - 9x
\npath stone - 7x
\nRuins house - 4x
\nSings - 10x
\nstreet lamp - 5x
\nstairs -2x
\narmor - 17x - armor 3x , glove- 4x , helmet- 10x
\nbarrels - 3x
\nbell - 1x
\nbooks - 4x
\nbox - 13x
\nCandles - 4x
\ncloth - 5x
\ndishes- 12x
\nDoors - 16x
\nerb - 1x
\nbed - 8x
\ncabinet - 2x
\nchairs - 3x
\nheat - 1x
\nshelf - 1x
\ntable- 7x
\ntrunk - 3x
\ngolden - 2x
\nhay - 3x
\nladder- 4x
\nMetals - 7x
\npapers - 2x
\nRailing - 4x
\nscrew - 3x
\nsilver- 3x
\ntarget - 2x
\nTools - 8x
\ntorch - 2x
\nVase - 6x
\nweapons - 9x
\nshields - 7x
\n- Vegetables and fruints-
\nfruits - 13x
\nvegetables - 11x
\nwalls - 4x
\n- All models + LOD = 962 520 vertex
\n--Texture size--
\nColors - 4080x4080
\nTexture terrain - grass , grass dark , gray , ground , ground, ground bright , ground dark , snow - 350x250
\nStone ground , stone ground Normal - 248x250
\ntarget - 600x600
\nTexture window - 1024x1024
\nTexture window normalMap - 1024x1024
\nGrass - 1000x1000
\ngrass1 - 1000x1000
\nAll textures Combined house - 4080x4080
","id":274902979886,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-22T07:54:08Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-03-19T12:34:24Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Door_03","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"149972","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Medieval polygon pack"},"polygonCount":228,"publishedDate":"2019-08-28T11:46:09Z","publisher":{"id":"43569","name":"JS3D assets","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"door_03-274902979886","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":10,"name":"Weapons & Military","slug":"weapons-military"}],"colors":["brown","gray","cyan","black","red","orange","yellow"],"description":"Concept of a giant shield.\n\nMade in:\n-Blender 2.82\n-Substance Painter 2018\n-GIMP 2.10","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":17584484,"free":true,"id":274893735034,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2020-05-15T13:06:28Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-05-15T13:06:28Z","name":"Tower Shield","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"a40cdb9639a647b69a1b00d25cbf135e","polygonCount":3833,"publishedDate":"2020-05-15T13:06:28Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"SchrisArt","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"tower_shield-274893735034","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["heavy","fantasyweapon","substancepainter","substance","blender","shield","shieldweaponarmorfantasy"],"vertexCount":2450}]},"packageDetail":null,"similarModel":null,"user":null}};
Model is added with .obj .fbx and .ma formats.
Polycounts (Tris)..............................Materials ............................................. Dimensions
Mirror: 17860.................&...............2 Texture Sets 2K/1K(PBR)...............&...............75cm(l) x 120cm(h) x 5cm(w)