Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search.
We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
All screenshots were made with the standard render pipeline in Unity 2019.2.17f1. This package contain PBR ( Physical based rendering) textures. This package contain 3 Demo scenes and 1 Prefab scene.Post processing profile to be used with Post Processing Stack.
Unity version 2019.2.17f1 +
Render pipeline - Standard Pipeline
If you have any quaries about this Package please contact on given email id.
This package contains:
Prefabs - 378
Textures - 307
Materials - 73
Scene - 4
Models - 270
Bridge_Set_A_Corner - 680 tris
Bridge_Set_A_End - 352 tris
Bridge_Set_A_Loop - 732 tris
Bridge_Set_A_Pillar - 44 tris
Bridge_Set_B_Large -1940 tris
Bridge_Set_B_Small -1298 tris
Texture size 4096*4096 Pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
ButterFly- 176 tris
Texture size 512
Butterfly_sprite - 1024*238 pxl
Butterfly_sprite_2 - 1024*408 pxl
Combined Tree Set
Tree_Soule_1 - 534 tris
Tree_Soule_2 - 8014 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Tree_Baobab_1 - 8648 tris
Tree_Baobab_2 -13822 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Tree_Birch_1 -10840 tris
Tree_Birch_2 -20260 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Tree_Pine_1 - 7054 tris
Tree_Pine_2 - 6254 tris
Tree_Pine_3 - 6230 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Tree_Bamboo_1 -11402 tris
Tree_Bamboo_2 - 8614 tris
Tree_Bamboo_3 - 9650 tris
Tree_Bamboo_Stump_1 - 290 tris
Tree_Bamboo_Stump_2 - 762 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Tree_Palm_1 - 4474 tris
Tree_Palm_2 - 4474 tris
Tree_Palm_3 - 4474 tris
Tree_Palm_Stump - 2714 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Grass Set
Billboard grasses - 5
Texture & emission map -1024*802
Texture & emission map -1024*1156
Texture & emission map -1024*1324
Texture & emission map -512*847
Texture & emission map -1024*674
(Diffuse, Emission)
Grass_1 - 16 tris
Grass_2 - 16 tris
Grass_3 - 16 tris
Grass_4 - 16 tris
Grass_5 - 24 tris
Grass_6 - 160 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Emission,Opacity,Occlusion,Normal)
Plant Set
Herbs_1 -204 tris
Herbs_2 -262 tris
Herbs_3 -91 tris
Herbs_4 -59 tris
Lilly_Pad_1 -111 tris
Lilly_Pad_2 -105 tris
Lilly_Pad_3 -91 tris
Lotus_1 -756 tris
Lotus_2 -472 tris
Medium_plant_1- 1544 tris
Medium_plant_2 -3395 tris
Medium_plant_colocasia_1 -402 tris
Medium_plant_colocasia_2 -402 tris
Medium_plant_colocasia_3 -402 tris
Medium_plant_colocasia_4 -362 tris
Medium_plant_colocasia_5 -294 tris
Medium_plant_colocasia_6 -4824 tris
Medium_Plant_Fern_1 -936 tris
Medium_Plant_Fern_2 -1000 tris
Medium_Plant_Fern_3 -1104 tris
Medium_Plant_Fern_4 -336 tris
Medium_Plant_Fern_5 -392 tris
Medium_Plant_Monstera_1 -129 tris
Medium_Plant_Monstera_2 -129 tris
Medium_Plant_Monstera_3 -142 tris
Medium_Plant_Monstera_4 -142 tris
Plant texture maps are divided into 4 categories which is 1.Medium plant_A, 2.Medium plant_B
Medium plant_C 4. Small plant. All the categories has 5 maps and the size is 2048*2048 Pxl each.
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Opacity,Occlusion,Normal)
Stone_Bench- 420 tris
Texture size- 2048*2048 pxl
Wooden_Bench -216 tris
texture size - 2048*2048 pxl
Gardent_Gate - 1452 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
Garden_Hut - 9030 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Garden_Hut_Border - 268 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Height,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
House - 54030 tris
Total maps - 59
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl each
PBR Maps (Albedo,Height,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Lamp- 1070 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Height,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Canopy_A - 96 tris
Canopy_B - 64 tris
Canopy_C - 24 tris
Canopy_D - 28 tris
Moss - 12 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Height,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Modular Trees
Tree_Soule_Branch(1-5) -2212 tris
Tree_Soule_Stem-2972 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
Tree_Baobab_branches(1-3)-1258 tris
Tree_Baobab_Stem-4422 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
Tree_Birch_branches(1-3)-1599 tris
Tree_Birch_Stem-3816 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
Tree_Pine_Leaf_1 -64 tris
Tree_Pine_Leaf_2 -52 tris
Tree_Pine_Stem_1- 4442 tris
Tree_Pine_Stem_2- 4442 tris
Tree_Pine_Stem_3- 4442 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Tree_Bamboo_Branch_(1-2) - 112 tris
Tree_Bamboo_Leaf_(1-2) - 40 tris
Tree_Bamboo_Stem_1 - 1704 tris
Tree_Bamboo_Stem_2 - 1704 tris
Tree_Bamboo_Stem_3 - 1704 tris
Tree_Bamboo_Stump_(1-2) - 428 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Tree_Palm_Fruit- 80 tris
Tree_Palm_Leaf_(1-2) - 238 tris
Tree_Palm_Stem_1 - 970 tris
Tree_Palm_Stem_2 - 970 tris
Tree_Palm_Stem_3 - 970 tris
Tree_Palm_Stump - 190 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
Pedestrain_T - 410 tris
Pedestrian_Corner - 520 tris
Pedestrian_End - 252 tris
Pedestrian_Loop - 512 tris
Pedestrian_Pillar - 44 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Height,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Stair_Case - 1329 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Height,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Buddha_Statue - 7026 tris
Texture size 4096*4096 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Height,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Floor_Tile_Set_A_1 - 288 tris
Floor_Tile_Set_A_2 - 344 tris
Floor_Tile_Set_A_3 - 574 tris
Floor_Tile_Set_A_4 - 370 tris
Floor_Tile_Set_A_5 - 382 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Floor_Tile_Set_B - 2073 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 Pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Cliff - 3817 tris
Texture size 4096*4096 Pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Medium_Stone_1 - 1402 tris
Medium_Stone_2 - 512 tris
Medium_Stone_3 - 896 tris
Medium_Stone_4 - 838 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Small_Stone_Set_A_1 - 311 tris
Small_Stone_Set_A_2 - 230 tris
Small_Stone_Set_A_3 - 191 tris
Small_Stone_Set_A_4 - 116 tris
Small_Stone_Set_A_5 - 82 tris
Small_Stone_Set_A_6 - 134 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Small_Stone_Set_B_1 - 608 tris
Small_Stone_Set_B_2 - 646 tris
Small_Stone_Set_B_3 - 508 tris
Small_Stone_Set_B_4 - 162 tris
Small_Stone_Set_B_5 - 230 tris
Small_Stone_Set_B_6 - 298 tris
Small_Stone_Set_B_7 - 298 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Tree_Stump_1 - 1066 tris
Tree_Stump_2 - 1374 tris
Tree_Stump_3 - 1352 tris
Tree_Stump_4 - 1110 tris
Tree_Stump_5 - 2378 tris
Texture size 2048*2048 pxl
PBR Maps (Albedo,Roughness,Occlusion,Normal)
Terrain textures
Grass - 512 pxl
Soil - 512 pxl
Walls and Towers pack update
All models, materials and textures are updated. New terrain and scene are added!
The complete scene shown in the video and images is included in this pack and it can be used as a starting point in your 3D projects and games.
The pack now includes a complete scene with a fully built terrain and over 80 game-ready models, including 15 types of towers, watch towers, walls, doors, windows, balconies, cannons, barrels and other props.
The terrain includes foliage models like trees, bushes and grass.
Note: Water is not included in this pack, but you can easily add it from Unity Standard Assets. To ensure the same look like the one shown in the video, please use the Post Processing files!
Technical details:
Number of prefabs: 89
Number of materials: 89
Number of textures: 213 (plus sky, terrain and grass textures)
Texture sizes: 2048 * 2048 px
Texture formats: TGA and PNG
Including Albed, Normal and Metallic maps.
Unity pack (with a complete scene)
Poly-count examples:
Tower 1: 1144
Tower 2: 967
Wall 1: 618
Wall 2: 510
Big Stairs: 421
Canon: 1006
Balcony 1: 420
Watch Tower: 4708
If you have any model related questions, please feel free to contact us, our team is happy to help!