A collection of Crates, Pallets and the other stuff.
This package comes with 14 models in fbx format. All are ready to be used with materials and textures assigned. The models are between 140 and 1014 tris. The package comes with 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 textures, both diffuse and normal maps.
- Spool01 [512 tris]
- Trashbox01 [700 tris]
- WoodenCrate01 [140 tris]
- WoodenCrate01broken01 [769 tris]
- WoodenCrate02 [468 tris]
- WoodenCrate02broken01 [738 tris]
- WoodenCrate02broken02 [802 tris]
- WoodenCrate03 [322 tris]
- WoodenCrate03broken01 [598 tris]
- WoodenCrate04 [480 tris]
- WoodenCrate04broken01 [1014 tris]
- WoodenCrate04broken02 [1007 tris]
- WoodenPallet01 [456 tris]
- WoodenPallet01broken01 [804 tris]