Asset Overview
1k triangles scan of a rock (a 7cm flint stone from Roscoff in France), with 2k albedo and normals.
I'm actually working on my photogrammetry "workflow" with Colmap, OpenMVS, Mmgs, Gimp and Blender.
Some modifications to my process:
* Shooting with a low aperture (high f number) is cool, as it allows for more features detected and thus a better cameras alignment. But it requires a tripod, and long shutter speed...
* I used my faithful Petzl headlamp, attached under the DSLR lens (Canon Eos1100d), to have a direct facing lighting. And this works quite fine, although I read everywhere that it could be problematic for other types of objects.
* I need to do some white balance corrections on the DSLR, not only in Gimp as I did here.
* I did not use a turntable, but instead manually rotated the rock on a white sheet of paper, and colmap did a great job with reconstructing an alignement!
* I shot 2 rows of picture for 3 model inclinations: horizontal and tilted at 45°.