Photogrammetry of Brontosaurus Spine

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This is a brontosaurus spine found in the San Rafael Swell's Morrison Formation by my brother and I. Nearby, my brother found a giant hip bone with alosaurus gnaw marks! The bone here is radioactive and very agatized and gem-like. Those colors are real! While hiking the desert with my pack goats, like to record discoveries like this using Photogrammetry, and leave the bones untouched. This is an entry in the Zephyr 3D Flow World Cup 2020 contest. I decided that I'd enter a scan to show how good they can look even when heavily optimized, like a model you'd use in a game engine. I've used zephyr to decimate it from over 4 million down to under 40K triangles, then bake the detail back via a normal map. The low poly mesh you see here was UV unwrapped using 3dCoat to ensure high texture density. The bones have a slight gloss to them, so I inverted a grayscale version of the color texture and used it to add the shine. It took about a day, start to finish, mostly working on cutting the UV seams.