
Find Similar (BETA)Purchase Package
Author name
Mr Andrew Chapman
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Trees Gen02 Volume 03
41 Assets

Package Overview

Trees Gen02 Volume 03

A selection of Trees from a similar biosphere consisting of:

* 5 Beech Trees - average 5.7k tris
* 5 Birch Trees - average 4.1k tris
* 5 Elm Trees - average 4.5k tris
* 5 Fir Trees - average 1.9k tris
* 5 Maple Trees - average 13.7k tris
* 5 Oak Trees - average 6.5k tris
* 5 Spruce Trees - average 2.8k tris
* 6 Willow Trees - average 29k tris

Textures ranging from 512x512, 1024x1024, complete with maps including Normal, Spec, Transmission (selected textures).
All Trees/Plants are grown using randomised seeds and are unique, albeit some variations maybe subtle. Use scale and material tint for even greater variation in your scene.
Each mesh has a lightmap, no LODs or Collision Meshes.

Checkout this forum for latest news, discussions, tips and tricks. https://forum.unity.com/threads/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration.852436/
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