[**Astromaterials 3D**](https://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/astromaterials3d/index.htm) is a virtual library for exploration and research of NASA’s space rock collections.
**Every Rock Tells a Story:**
>The size and structure of crystals that compose rocks can tell the story of the specific conditions in which those crystals were formed. Crystals that were formed out of the chaotic and fiery fluids of magma carry within them the chronicles of the temperature and gas content of that magma as well as how quickly or slowly it formed and cooled. *[Continue reading...](https://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/astromaterials3d/sample-details.htm?sample=RBT04261-0)*
**More information:**https://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/astromaterials3d/sample-details.htm?sample=RBT04261-0
**NASA Astromaterials Collection:** Antarctic Meteorite Collection
**Origin:** Mars
**Collected:** ANSMET Field Season 2004, Roberts Massif, Antarctica
**Classification:** Shergottite
**Credit:** NASA/Astromaterials 3D