Asset Overview
This is a 3D model of a rocky outcrop of the Corumbataí Formation (Permian, Paraná Basin, Brazil), where pelitic layers (claystones and siltstones) are cut by a swarm of clastic dikes. We used this model to compare the structural information (geological attitude, thickness) from the 3D models with data collected in the field using traditional tools (geological compass, measuring tape).
This model, with 500.000 faces, is a simplified version of the original one, which has over 3.000.000 faces.
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Research grant FAPESP [2016/06628-0](
Ans there's a scientific paper based on this dataset:
Viana, C.D.; Grohmann, C.H.; Busarello, M.T.S.; Garcia, G.P.B., 2018. Structural analysis of clastic dikes using Structure from Motion - Multi-View Stereo: a case-study in the Paraná Basin, southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 48(4):839-852. (open access)