KMS Deutschland - Model for 1/4000 printing

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The Deutschland, later renamed into Lützow, was the first of three "Panzerschiffe" built for the Weimar Republik in the late 1920s and early 30s. Three units were built in total, the Deutschland, Admiral Scheer and Admiral Graf Spee. The class was restricted by several treaties and had to be treated as a heavy cruiser, although they were often dubbed as pocket battleships. The Panzerschiffe had heavy artillery as main guns, thick armour, great endurance and great maneouverability, making them a dangerous opponent in a war. Out of the three units, none survived. Deutschland got sunk by soviet forces in 1947 undergoing weapons testing, Graf Spee got scuttled by her own crew at the beginning of the war and Scheer was sunk by Aircraft and is currently buried under a carpark. This model was made by me with the help of the naval recognition manual from the US Navy with only twp pictures. It features only the most prominent details and is designed to be printed with my Elegoo Mars in 1/4000.

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