Asset Overview
3D map of galaxy positions from the 2MRS11.75 Groups Catalog [R. Brent Tully 2015 AJ 149 171 ]. The NGC 4993 galaxy, home of the GW170817 Gravitational Wave event, is colored blue, and its companion members of the NGC 4970 Group are colored yellow. All other galaxies are colored red when belonging to a group or cluster of more than 20 members, and colored black otherwise. The Cosmic Web is visualized in terms of surfaces of knots (in red) and filaments (in grey) of the V-Web [D. Pomarède, Y. Hoffman, H. Courtois, R.B. Tully 2017 ApJ 845 55 ]. Some pre-defined stations are numbered; click on annotation #3 to jump directly to NGC 4993.
The central signpost has 2000 km/s-long arrows pointing to the SGX (red), SGY (green), SGZ (blue) directions of the Supergalactic Coordinate System. The box is 64,000 km/s wide.