Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search.
We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
•very modular models, could be combined
together in a lot of different ways.
•light flares on top of skyscraper antennas
for the night time.
•an animated jet plane flying in the horizon
with a day version and night version.
•2 building textures for the day & night,
every single window lights up at night &
the day & night textures match perfectly.
•a luminance map for the windows for
a complete control on the night look.
•a cutout opacity map for the windows
for a complete control on reflections.
•2 city cubemaps reflecting the city
environment at day & night time.
•a 360 degrees environment dome with
a perfectly matching day & night texture.
•modeled interiors for one of the buildings.
•2 seamless “3D ambient sounds” one for
a day & one for a night atmosphere.
•2 night & day scenes with all the assets
lined up for a fast selection.
•2 night & day scenes with all the assets
packed in a big square for a fast selection.
•example scenes shows how to use the kit,
how to light it & use the cubemap.
•realistic lighting was baked externally in
“Mental Ray” which is used in film.
•all assets in the example lightmaped scenes
have their second UV channel efficiently
& manually unwrapped.
•lighting has to be redone in Unity if the
scene needs to be drastically altered.
•a “First Person Controller” prefab which
lets you freely navigate the space.
•each section of the loft can be purchased
alone & combined with other adjacent ones.
This pack includes the essential elements to compose an interior scene of an office including the work area, CEO, meeting room, administration, reception, rest area and mini bar.
\"Interior in the photos not included\"
For more information, contact:
- Accesories:
SM_Box: 4243
SM_Box_0021: 4243
SM_Glasses: 1059
SM_Holder_001: 574
SM_Holder_002: 433
SM_Holder_003: 433
SM_Note_001: 2194
SM_Note_003: 2194
SM_PersonalCard_001: 13
SM_PersonalCard_002: 13
SM_Trashbin_001: 1142
- Bathroom:
SM_HandDryer: 1875
SM_HandDryer_001: 1875
SM_Locker_001: 288
SM_Mirror_001_A: 232
SM_Sink_A: 330
SM_Sink_B: 332
SM_Sink_C: 305
SM_Sink_D: 698
SM_SoapDispenser: 315
SM_Tap_001: 423
SM_Toilet: 916
SM_Toilet_002: 1219
SM_Toilet_003: 748
SM_WallToilet_A: 392
SM_WallToilet_B: 392
SM_WallToilet_C: 296
SM_WallToilet_D: 296
SM_WallToilet_E: 338
SM_WallToilet_F: 334
- BooksAndPen
SM_Bibliorate: 1875
SM_Bibliorate_2: 1875
SM_Bibliorate_3: 1875
SM_Bibliorate_4: 1875
SM_Book_001: 1875
SM_Book_002: 1875
SM_Book_003: 1875
SM_Magazine_001: 1875
SM_Magazine_002: 1875
SM_Pencil: 1875
SM_PenMarker_001: 1875
SM_PenMarker_002: 1875
- Carpets
SM_carpet_001: 353
SM_Carpet_002: 284
- Ceiling
SM_Carpet_002: 284
SM_CeilingWood_002: 240
- ChairsAndSofas
SM_Chair_009_A: 3590
SM_Chair_009_B: 3589
SM_ChairOffice_001: 7721
SM_ChairOffice_002: 10185
SM_ChairOffice_003: 11394
SM_ChairOffice_004: 5480
SM_ChairOffice_005: 3284
SM_ChairOffice_006: 12573
SM_ChairOffice_007: 4666
SM_ChairOffice_008: 2278
SM_Sofa_001: 5306
SM_Sofa_001_B: 4125
SM_Sofa_002_A: 5092
SM_Sofa_002_B: 4208
SM_Sofa_005: 10223
SM_Umbrella_001: 6797
- Desk
SM_Desk_001_A: 4155
SM_Desk_001_B: 4155
SM_Desk_002_A: 1600
SM_Desk_002_A_: 2765
SM_Desk_002_B: 308
SM_Desk_002_C: 468
SM_Desk_003_A: 2741
- Doors
SM_DoorHandle_012: 2741
SM_DoorRail_002: 2741
SM_DoorSupport: 2741
SM_IndividualDoor_030: 2741
- Ducts
SM_Duct_001_A: 650
SM_Duct_001_B: 705
SM_Duct_001_C: 260
SM_Duct_002_A: 689
SM_Duct_002_B: 767
SM_Duct_002_C: 260
SM_Duct_End: 48
SM_Duct_End_001: 126
SM_Duct_end_45_001: 1401
SM_Duct_End_90_001: 2741
SM_Duct_End_90_002: 1541
SM_Duct_end_90_003: 1397
SM_Duct_end_90_004: 1448
SM_Duct_end_90_005: 1647
SM_Duct_end_90_006: 1776
SM_Duct_end_90_007: 384
SM_Duct_end_90_008: 1323
SM_Duct_End_Vertical: 1012
- Flowerpot and Plants
SM_Cactus_001: 18951
SM_Cactus_002: 12767
SM_Cactus_003: 1945
SM_FlowerPot_001: 485
SM_FlowerPot_002: 337
SM_FlowerPot_003: 499
SM_FlowerPot_004: 504
SM_FlowerPot_005: 1067
SM_FlowerPot_006: 1067
SM_FlowerPot_007: 599
SM_FlowerPot_008: 599
SM_GreenWall_001: 109
SM_LeavesWall: 16000
SM_Plant_001: 10269
SM_Plant_002: 70163
SM_Plant_003: 6653
SM_Plant_005: 1502
SM_Plant_006: 568
SM_Plant_007: 589
SM_Plant_008: 150
SM_Plant_009: 2542
- Furniture
SM_Furniture_001_A: 436
SM_Furniture_001_B: 284
SM_Furniture_001_C: 172
SM_Furniture_002_A: 396
SM_Furniture_002_B: 264
SM_Furniture_002_C: 152
SM_Furniture_003_A: 140
SM_Furniture_003_B: 748
SM_Furniture_004_A: 2436
SM_Furniture_004_B: 264
SM_Furniture_004_C: 138
SM_Furniture_004_D: 130
SM_Furniture_005_A: 56
SM_Furniture_005_B: 64
SM_Reception: 160
- Kitchen
SM_Bottle_001: 619
SM_CoffeeCup: 1252
SM_Cup_001: 268
SM_Cup_002: 995
SM_Faucet_001: 854
SM_Faucet_002: 137
SM_KitchenFurniture_001: 868
SM_KitchenFurniture_002: 44
SM_KitchenFurniture_003: 116
SM_KitchenFurniture_004: 92
- Lamps
SM_Lamp_001: 1031
SM_Lamp_002: 1031
SM_Lamp_003: 627
SM_Lamp_004: 1298
SM_Lamp_005: 2988
SM_Lamp_006: 246
SM_Lamp_007: 853
SM_Lamp_008: 1647
SM_Lamp_009: 1553
SM_Lamp_010: 4179
SM_Lamp_011: 2255
SM_Lamp_012: 3172
SM_Lamp_013: 1043
SM_LightBulb_003: 1812
SM_LightBulb_004: 850
SM_LightBulb_005: 1803
SM_PendantLight_001: 922
SM_PendantLight_002: 918
SM_RoofLight_001: 310
SM_RoofLight_002: 247
SM_RoofLight_003: 1676
SM_RoofLight_004: 658
SM_RoofLight_005_A: 952
SM_RoofLight_005_B: 688
SM_RoofLight_005_C: 424
SM_WallLight: 230
- Ornament
SM_Ball_001: 1962
SM_Ball_002: 1440
SM_Candle: 346
SM_CandleHolder: 2489
SM_Clock_001: 7797
SM_Deco_003: 2433
SM_Decol_001: 632
SM_FlowerPot_001: 1146
SM_FlowerPot_005: 1616
SM_Lantern_001: 2324
SM_Pot_002: 402
SM_WhiskyCup: 512
- PC
SM_Keyboard: 420
SM_Mouse: 480
SM_Notebook_001: 1492
SM_NotebookClosed: 1584
SM_PCScreen: 1565
- Railing
SM_Railing_A: 466
SM_Railing_B: 990
SM_Railing_C: 352
- Roof
SM_ConcreteRoof: 112
SM_Enviroment: 40
SM_Roof_1: 48
SM_Roof_002: 8
SM_RoofPlane: 8
- Shelf
SM_Shelf_001_A: 1192
SM_Shelf_001_B: 2112
SM_Shelf_001_C: 2592
SM_Shelf_001_D: 352
SM_Shelf_001_E: 376
SM_Shelf_001_F: 224
- Tables
SM_Table_001_A: 1488
SM_Table_001_B: 960
SM_Table_001_C: 960
SM_Table_001_D: 960
SM_Table_002_A: 1228
SM_Table_002_B: 1228
SM_Table_003: 1732
SM_Table_004: 983
SM_Table_005: 896
SM_Table_006: 2110
SM_Table_007: 446
SM_Table_008: 2110
- Technology SM_CoffeeMaker: 1934br> SM_Dispenser_002: 3930
SM_HolePunch: 1862
SM_Keyboard: 420
SM_Mouse: 480
SM_Photocopier_001: 12736
SM_PrinterLaser: 3935
SM_Refrigerator: 1074
SM_TabletScreen: 484
SM_Telephone_001: 1729
SM_Telephone_002: 1729
SM_TV_60: 336
- Text SM_Logo_001: 227
SM_Logo_002: 618
SM_TextGreen: 942
SM_TextOffice: 956
- Walls SM_Base_Reception: 48
SM_ProfileI: 120
SM_Wall_030mts: 8
SM_Wall_030mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_050mts: 16
SM_Wall_050mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_1mts: 16
SM_Wall_1mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_Door_050mts: 16
SM_Wall_Door_050mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_Door_080mts: 16
SM_Wall_Door_080mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_Door_1mts: 16
SM_Wall_Door_1mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_Window_050mts: 16
SM_Wall_Window_050mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_Window_1mts: 171629
SM_Wall_Window_1mts_002: 16
SM_Wall_Window_1mts_002_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_Window_1mts_Cap: 16
SM_Wall_Window_3mts: 16
SM_Wall_Window_3mts_Cap: 16
- Windows and doors SM_Curtain_001: 1896
SM_Curtain_002: 1338
SM_Curtain_003: 798
SM_Curtain_004: 564
SM_Curtain_005: 52
SM_Curtain_006: 1033
SM_FrameGlass_001_A: 104
SM_FrameGlass_001_B: 88
SM_FrameGlass_001_C: 72
SM_GlassDoor: 549
SM_GlassDoor_001: 88
SM_Window_001: 616
SM_Window_001_C: 616
SM_Window_002: 616
SM_Window_002_B_Divided: 642
SM_Window_002_C_Divided: 642
SM_Window_002_Divided: 642
SM_Window_003: 616
SM_Window_003_B_Divided: 668
SM_Window_003_C_Divided: 668
SM_Window_003_Divided: 668
SM_Window_004: 616
SM_Window_004_B_Divided: 616
SM_Window_004_C_Divided: 616
SM_Window_004_Divided: 616
SM_Window_005_B_Divided: 720
SM_Window_005_C_Divided: 720
SM_Window_005_Divided: 720
SM_Window_005_C_Divided: 720
SM_Window_006_B_Divided: 720
SM_Window_005_C_Divided: 720
SM_Window_006_Divided: 746
SM_Window_3Mts: 746
Texture Sizes:
PC: 128 to 4096
Collision: Box collision
Number of Meshes: 78
Number of Materials: 83 Materials
Number of Textures: 113
Supported Development Platforms: All platforms
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC - VR -
","fileSize":"954415696","id":274896041134,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2021-10-15T10:48:12Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2021-10-19T13:24:12Z","modelUrl":"","name":"SM_Locker_001","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"184750","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Office complete interior assets"},"polygonCount":324,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Unimodels"},"rigged":false,"slug":"sm_locker_001-274896041134","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["Office complete interior assets","office","chairs","sofa","chair office","office chair","sofa office","office sofa"],"unityVersions":["2020.3.9"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["cyan"],"description":"This Painless Props Package - Volume 2 contains low-poly 3D models, textures, materials, and prefabs of various interior objects you would find in a Convenience Store, Indoor Stuff, Outdoor Stuff, Office, and Streets. It also contains showcase scenes as an example of how the props might be used to decorate an indoor scene.","fileSize":"438564433","id":274882184950,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2016-02-03T19:20:31Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-03-19T09:29:04Z","modelUrl":"","name":"filing_cabinet","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"53611","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Painless Props - Volume 2"},"polygonCount":612,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Little Arms Studios"},"rigged":false,"slug":"filing_cabinet-274882184950","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":3},"tags":["Painless Props - Volume 2","low-poly","models","environment","decorate","clutter","roads","streets"],"unityVersions":["5.2.1"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":1,"name":"Architecture","slug":"architecture"}],"colors":["cyan","black","gray"],"description":"A free package with a lot of different voxel buildings and roads for your cities.📜 Synty Newsletter 📜
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Synty Studios™ presents: POLYGON – Ancient Empire
This Greek-Roman fusion asset pack is full of Buildings, Props, Weapons and Characters to start your Ancient World based game. Over 700 detailed prefabs in this pack.
◼ Key Features ◼
◼ Assets◼
Characters (x11)
Captain Male, Farmer Female, Farmer Male, Leader Male, Politician Male, Soldier Female, Soldier Male, Upperclass Female, Upperclass Male, Worker Female, Worker Male.
Character Attachments (x28)
Including Beards, Hairs, Helmets, Cape, and Crowns.
Buildings (x237)
Including a base set of building pieces plus: Amphitheatre, Balconies, Baths, Ceilings, Doors, Floors, Pillars, Railings, Trims, Trellises, Stairs, Alcoves, Walls, Windows, etc.
Props (x329)
Including Banners, Baskets, Braziers, Brackets, Carts, Flower Bed/Pots, Fountains, Goblets, Anvil, Grinding Wheel, Kiln, Forge, Ladder, Loom, Lyre, Marble Blocks and Rubble, Murals, Symbols, Pergola, Pillows, Plinths, Pots, Rugs, Sacks, Scrolls, Tools, Seats, Sensers, Shelves, Statues, Straw Stacks, Sundials, Tables, Torches, Racks, etc.
Environment (x128)
Including Background Islands, Bushes, Cobblestones, Crops, Fences, Flowers, Garden Plants, Grasses, Ivy/Vines, Lilies, Ocean Plane, Pebbles, Roads, Rock Cliffs, Straw Fields, Trees, Clouds, Grounds, etc.
FX (x9)
Candle Flame, Dust, Fire Large and Small, Fountain Pour, Grass Blowing, Incense, Leaves, Sun Beam.
Weapons (x15)
Including Axes, Scabbards, Shields, Spears, and Swords.
◼ Compatibility◼
Follow us for updates, promotions, previews & tutorials:
","fileSize":"119826802","id":274895698405,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2022-06-08T01:03:14Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-06-08T01:28:20Z","modelUrl":"","name":"SM_Bld_Wall_Tiny_End_01","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"224020","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"POLYGON Ancient Empire - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty"},"polygonCount":12,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Synty Studios"},"rigged":false,"slug":"sm_bld_wall_tiny_end_01-274895698405","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["POLYGON Ancient Empire - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty"],"unityVersions":["2019.4.38"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":11,"name":"Electronics & Gadgets","slug":"electronics-gadgets"}],"colors":["gray","brown","red","black","cyan","blue"],"description":"Cocacola Dispenser","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":163552,"free":true,"id":274892827943,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2022-01-20T05:58:27Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-01-20T05:58:27Z","name":"Cocacola Dispenser (Lowpoly)","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"b6f3b765cacb4705b5fa1fc0ff0cbbfa","polygonCount":44,"publishedDate":"2022-01-20T05:58:27Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"inƨane","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"cocacola_dispenser_lowpoly-274892827943","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":4},"tags":["cocacola"],"vertexCount":24},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":7,"name":"Furniture & Home","slug":"furniture-home"}],"colors":["cyan","black","gray","orange","red","brown"],"description":"This pack contains 377 unique low poly models to easily prototype and create a home interior.
All models have a prefab ready to put in the scene. Some parts have children objects for flexible controls (Such as the chest, the upper part can be opened).
All prefabs have ready-to-use colliders.
All objects are made with one texture atlas, hence one only material for the whole pack! The best for the performance.
Optimized for all types of unity render pipelines:
- Standard RP
- High-Definition RP
- Lightweight RP
Models summary:
HDRP & URP Material conversion:
Same as any material conversion.
1. Import package.
2. Edit > Render Pipeline > URP or HDRP > Upgrade Project Material to URP or HDRP Materials
","id":274901459036,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-07-31T14:26:07Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-01T10:52:44Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Prop_KitchenCabinet_02_M","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"203033","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Pandazole - Home interior low poly pack"},"polygonCount":500,"publishedDate":"2021-11-03T09:50:16Z","publisher":{"id":"55716","name":"Pandazole","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"prop_kitchencabinet_02_m-274901459036","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["cyan","gray"],"description":"Low Poly Furniture - 1000 models Collection Vol.1 and Vol.2
\n\nThis Low Poly Furniture - 1000 models collection contains set of armchairs, sofas, chairs, bathroom accessories, carpets, children bed, toys, doors, office chairs, floor lamps, home appliances, kitchen accessories, mirrors, plants, sculptures, vases, windows, beds, consoles, pouffes, racks, tables, wardrobes which can be used for interior setup !
Full set low-poly models named correctly and organized as individual models for saving your work time.
Can be used for mobile games, low poly games, rendering and advertising.
Very easy to change and use Because One Texture and One material are used for the Whole set.
Clean file, no background, no camera and no lighting in the files very clean
All models have real-world scale.
Textures are archived for easy using.
\n\nFBX - Exchange format;
\n\nOBJ - Exchange format;
\n\nBlender 3.1 ver;
\n\nTextures (archived);
\n\nGrouped, Sorted, Customizable, Textures included
Units used: Meters
Originally created with Blender 3.1
All preview images are rendered with Cycle
Texture maps come in the separate archive file .rar . Texture size: 2048x2048, 1024x1024, 512x512, 256x256, 128x128 pixels
If you liked this set, please leave a review! It will help me to create more models for You.
","id":274897811250,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Royalty Free License","slug":"royalty_free","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-04-30T18:00:06Z","modelUpdatedTime":null,"modelUrl":"","name":"wardrobe_007","originSource":"CGTRADER","packageId":"3707229","polygonCount":204,"publishedDate":"2023-04-30T18:00:06Z","publisher":{"avatar":null,"name":"ilkhom23"},"rigged":false,"slug":"wardrobe_007-274897811250","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["furniture","armchair","interior","houseware","home","lowpoly","room","bed","door","flower","plants","office","prop","shelf","toy","kid","set","game","pack","chair","furniture-set"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":1,"name":"Architecture","slug":"architecture"}],"colors":["black","gray","cyan","brown"],"description":"Thanks to this package you will be able to make your own Parkours even wood houses.210+ 3D Models in Voxel Style.\n
Twitter @_Moenen\n
QQ 1182032752
“Hazelwood Loft” full-pack main features:
•a photo-real & modern penthouse.
•all its furniture & the surrounding city.
•highly optimized lowpoly & realistic assets.
•ready for Oculus, GearVR, Vive, Daydream.
•ready for low & high-end mobile devices.
•more than 400 different assets included.
•the whole pack is below 115 000 triangles.
•2 different settings, day time & night time.
•inspired by modern architecture & design.
•remarkable attention to lighting & detail.
•4K skyboxes: clear day, cloudy day, sunset, midnight, dawn.
•days & nights skyboxes match perfectly, window for window.
•original 8K Photoshop source file with layers included.
•includes a highly optimized city pack with PBR materials.
“Hazelwood Loft” full-pack content:
•a wide range of different materials,
simulating real-world physical surfaces.
•high quality skyboxes painted by
a professional matte painter.
•4K Skyboxes resolutions inside Unity
(8192 x 4096 pixels) which is the max resolution.
•Hero assets come with high-res versions.
•80 textures in all including materials,
cubemaps, lightmaps & effects textures
•2 different sets of day & night lightmaps.
•a wide range of cubemaps used for the
materials including day & night versions.
•8K original PSD source file including all skybox layers for
maximum control & customization 16384x8192 pixels.
•skybox day layers: sky, clouds, smog, fog, sun spot,
sun halo, city & mountains.
•skybox night layers: sky, clouds, moon, stars, fog,
city & mountains, city lights, city glow.
•32bit day skyboxes & 16bit night skyboxes.
•realistic lighting was baked externally in
“Mental Ray” which is used in film.
•lighting has to be redone in Unity if the
scene needs to be drastically altered.
•highly optimized assets running smoothly
at 30 FPS even on low-end mobile devices.
•realistic animated curtains simulating a
wind breeze blowing through the loft.
•a realistic animated flock of birds that flies
seamlessly through the city.
•includes a city pack with a 36 different models
of modern buildings & skyscrapers.
•each one of them has 3 variants for a
total of 100 different structures.
•highly optimized low-poly & realistic
urban buildings & skyscrapers.
•lined up they cover a distance of 7Km.
\n•a set of building roof top structures.
\n•very modular models, could be combined
together in a lot of different ways.
•a photoreal & dynamic sun flare.
•an animated jet plane flying in the horizon
with a day version and night version.
•photoreal light flares for light spots.
•2 seamless “3D ambient sounds” one for
a day & one for a night atmosphere.
•a “First Person Controller” prefab which
lets you freely navigate the space.
•all assets have their second UV channel
efficiently & manually unwrapped.
•each section of the loft can be purchased
alone & combined with other adjacent ones.
•each section of the pack comes in two
different disposition scenes: one example
scene & one with all items lined up side by side.
","fileSize":"3211672091","id":274895795071,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2015-06-15T23:42:07Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2021-01-15T03:04:18Z","modelUrl":"","name":"skyscraper_6_1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"38532","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Modern Loft Full Pack"},"polygonCount":434,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"POLYBOX"},"rigged":false,"slug":"skyscraper_6_1-274895795071","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["Modern Loft Full Pack","low","poly","city","skyline","urban","realistic","modern","loft","contemporary","home","arch","viz","interior","exterior","mobile","furniture","room","modular","penthouse","wood","design","minimal","apartment","animated","kitchen","luxury","high","end","laundry","VR","bedroom","laundry","bathroom","oculus","house","props"],"unityVersions":["5.1.2"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["cyan","gray","blue"],"description":"
Low Poly Furniture - 1000 models Collection Vol.1 and Vol.2
\n\nThis Low Poly Furniture - 1000 models collection contains set of armchairs, sofas, chairs, bathroom accessories, carpets, children bed, toys, doors, office chairs, floor lamps, home appliances, kitchen accessories, mirrors, plants, sculptures, vases, windows, beds, consoles, pouffes, racks, tables, wardrobes which can be used for interior setup !
Full set low-poly models named correctly and organized as individual models for saving your work time.
Can be used for mobile games, low poly games, rendering and advertising.
Very easy to change and use Because One Texture and One material are used for the Whole set.
Clean file, no background, no camera and no lighting in the files very clean
All models have real-world scale.
Textures are archived for easy using.
\n\nFBX - Exchange format;
\n\nOBJ - Exchange format;
\n\nBlender 3.1 ver;
\n\nTextures (archived);
\n\nGrouped, Sorted, Customizable, Textures included
Units used: Meters
Originally created with Blender 3.1
All preview images are rendered with Cycle
Texture maps come in the separate archive file .rar . Texture size: 2048x2048, 1024x1024, 512x512, 256x256, 128x128 pixels
If you liked this set, please leave a review! It will help me to create more models for You.
","id":274897807407,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Royalty Free License","slug":"royalty_free","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-04-30T17:43:27Z","modelUpdatedTime":null,"modelUrl":"","name":"home_appliance.004","originSource":"CGTRADER","packageId":"3707229","polygonCount":764,"publishedDate":"2023-04-30T17:43:27Z","publisher":{"avatar":null,"name":"ilkhom23"},"rigged":false,"slug":"home_appliance_004-274897807407","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["furniture","armchair","interior","houseware","home","lowpoly","room","bed","door","flower","plants","office","prop","shelf","toy","kid","set","game","pack","chair","furniture-set"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["gray","cyan"],"description":"Furnish and decorate your home interiors with The Contemporary Furniture Collection, a versatile collection of modern contemporary style home furniture. Perfect for AAA and VR games or for interior rendering purposes. \n
Contains a total of 320 prefabs made from 102 models ranging from chairs, beds, cabinets, cupboards, counters, drawers, desks, ottomans, shelves, sofas, stools, tables and wardrobes.The collection also includes decorations such as artwork, lamps, pillows and vases.
Available in: blend, dae, fbx, 3ds, obj, mtl and UnityPackage.
\n\nUnity Package contains easy drag and drop prefabs and purpose built materials\n
Native Materials in Blender 2.79 with packed textures
All models are low-medium poly and game ready. \nEach model has an albedo texture, ambient occlusion map and normal map in 2048x2048 resolution. \n
Below is a list of all the models included and how many prefabs there are for each(number in brackets) as well as exact Tris count for each model.
\n\nDesks and TV units:
\n\nFor any help or inquiries please message me directly on CG Trader or on my email:
","id":274897819729,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Royalty Free License","slug":"royalty_free","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-04-30T18:02:01Z","modelUpdatedTime":null,"modelUrl":"","name":"Wardrobe1-2","originSource":"CGTRADER","packageId":"2028232","polygonCount":1048,"publishedDate":"2023-04-30T18:02:01Z","publisher":{"avatar":null,"name":"HowardCoates"},"rigged":false,"slug":"wardrobe1_2-274897819729","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["furniture","contemporary","interior","modern","chair","table","desk","sofa","shelf","bedroom","office","wood","cabinet","storage","collection","pack","furniture-set","home","livingroom","house","set","house-interior","interior-office","wood-table","wood-chair","sofa-table","sofa-set","sofa-chair","modern-sofa","modern-chair","interior-sofa","home-office","bedroom-interior","bedroom-furniture","desk-chair","furniture-pack","home-interior","modern-home","modern-house","office-chair","office-desk","office-furniture","office-interior","office-sofa","office-table","wood-house"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":8,"name":"Industrial","slug":"industrial"}],"colors":["cyan","black"],"description":"the project consists of several objects, each block you have to move the hand, there is also animation of the twirling two rings.
-- For more free additions to the pack, please leave a review with a description of the variations you would like added --
You can easily adjust the colors, roughness, emissive, base textures and more across the whole set all at once. This is good for aliens, scifi, and other hi-tech styles.
Works well with the Modular Tech Environment Pack.
This environment set was built to work with a wide range of platforms and can work well for first-person, third-person, top down and VR game types.
Included in the set are the following:
- 64 wall pieces
- 39 floor, platform and stair pieces
- 45 ceiling pieces
- 19 roof pieces
- 70 barrier type pieces (doors, pillars and railings)
- 19 duct pieces
- 37 decorative pieces (pipes, machines, lights and more)
*Ceiling and floor pieces can be used interchangeably.
Ceiling/floor pieces average 500 verts per 2x2 meters. Walls average 800 verts per 2x3 m. Decorative and platform pieces are 200-5000 verts.
Useful info and tip guide included. Interior/exterior scene, top-down example and overview scene also included. The first person controller used in the video is NOT included though.