Asset Overview
# Space Freighter - Coleoptera Class
The Coleoptera class of freighter: an older, modular cargo ship design almost ten times the size of the Tottenberg Box Haulers that followed, carried its cargo containers in individual frames that were attached to the huge racks running the length of the ship. Coleoptera freighters proved economically nonviable. Huge, fuel-hungry engines and a clumsy cargo mounting system that dictated many lost hours at docking stations made these freighters obsolete after only six of them had been built.
This model comes from the **"Stardrifter"** series of novels written by David Collins-Rivera. These podcast novels are available for free at: []
A render of this model loaded with cargo and under way is at: [ ]
Note: Some elements (ladders, railings, etc.) do not render in Sketchfab, but are present in the original Blender file.