Created: 03 May 2017
This is a model of the stones and chimney at Prospect Point (PP). This model is part of an experiment using RC to model locations in Stanley Park. We took 2203 photos at PP hoping all photos would process as a large scene. Yet the photos resulted in 38 components. The main scene component at Prospect Point included 1548 images (see it here The second largest component included 211 images, resulting in the model of stones here.
We set 5 control points to integrate these two components, but were unable to combine them after multiple re-alignment attempts.
Original model had 133 parts, 176 million triangles before upload to SF.
Model texture:
Style - visibility based
Unwrapping - maximal textures count
Textures count - 1
Texture resolution - 8192x8192
Gutter - 2 texels
Texture utlization - 75%
Optimal texel size - 0.01023
Texture quality 9%
Texel size 0.011227
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