Asset Overview
If you understand the working principle of the [Swiss lever escapement]( and if you are familiar with [flexures](, understanding this design should be straightforward.
*(If not, you can click on the links and have a look at the 3D models.)*
In a way, anyone who ever played with a metal ruler (bending it) already knows enough about flexure beams to understand what is going on in this *Zenith Defy Lab* system. However, it is necessary to make use of [Finite Element Analysis]( to develop and validate this type of design.
This model was reconstructed from illustrations found on the Internet (*). Using the CAD model of the monolithic silicon part, I performed FEM simulations with SolidWorks Simulations. Then, I exported the WRL deformed models and pursued the work in Blender (using shape keys).
*\*) This 2D drawing was particularly helpful.*