The Grumman F-14B Tomcat was at its time, one of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, having a powerful forward mounted radar, variable geometry wings, two General Electric F110 turbofan jet engines that propel the Tomcat to speeds up to 1,544 miles per hour and armed with 6 AIM-54A Phoenix missiles that combined with the radar, have an effective range of 100+ miles, making the tomcat a formidable fighter. Due to the type of radar in the plane, it was made as a two-seater, with the pilot in the front seat and the Radio Intercept Officer (RIO) in the back seat. This particular Tomcat is a member of VF-154 the "Black Knights" with their home aircraft carrier being CV-62 USS Independence. Along with the squadron paint a number of other markings are marked on the airframe. The intake fans, afterburners, exhaust nozzels, and tail hook are all modeled as closely to life as possible and with some work, the wings do fold.