BB-1012 NATO Class Battleship

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Peter Primini
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CC BY 4.0

Asset Overview

The NATO Class Battleship was a cooperative effort between members of the NATO alliance in 2051. Spearheaded by the United States, the ship was meant to fix the problems inherent with the Oregon Class. All members offered financial support with the U.S providing the construction and weapons systems, the UK providing the Radar and Fire Control and Germany providing the Propulsion and Reactor. 2 ships would be manufactured for the U.S. Navy, The UK would receive 1, Germany 1 and 2 ships would be constructed for the fledgling NATO Combined Fleet. In a sense, the Ship was the Opposite of the Oregon Class, rather than trying to fit as much firepower as possible into a single ship it followed a much more balanced philosophy. Designed to counter China's growing global ambitions, which no single Western Nation could counter on its own, the ship would be the first built for the new NATO Combined Fleet, an international Navy meant to protect the interests of NATO countries around the world.

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