Technical Details:
-Texture Size: 4096x4096
-Maps:Normal, Albedo, MetallicSmoothness, AmbienOcclusion.
-Knight Shield 06: LOD0 - 2698tr., LOD1 - 1752tr.,LOD2 - 994tr.
-Knight Shield 07: LOD0 - 3094tr., LOD1 - 1952tr.,LOD2 - 1031tr.
-Knight Shield 08: LOD0 - 3318tr., LOD1 - 1866tr.,LOD2 - 1355tr.
-Knight Shield 09: LOD0 - 2544tr., LOD1 - 1418tr.,LOD2 - 1000tr.
-Knight Shield 10: LOD0 - 3304tr., LOD1 - 1774tr.,LOD2 - 1149tr.
If you have any questions - write to me. Always happy to help.