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Unity Asset Store
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Stylized: Shotgun Weapons.
73 Assets

Package Overview

Asset pack of shotgun weapons. For 3rd person games like RTS or top-down games.

All models divided into two groups: pump action (pa) and semi-automatic (sa).
Asset contain 22 solid shotgun models (12 pump action and 10 semi-automatic), 32 shotgun parts and diffuse texture (1024x1024px in 4 color variations: olive, green, black, desert for each group).
8 Accessory models including 2 silencer, 2 scope, flashlight, laser sight and 2 barrel extensions (512x512px diffuse texture).
Polycount: parts 18-260tris, solid models 358-599tris. Handguard of pump action shotgun contain bone (not animated).
Some parts (like receiver, barrel, handguard) include dummy_ (empty game object) to make it easier to identify the position of the parts on the model. Muzzle flash and flashlight include Light object. Requires Unity 5.0.0 Samurai3d's site
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